Search Results for author: Joao F. Santos

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Beam Profiling and Beamforming Modeling for mmWave NextG Networks

no code implementations23 Aug 2024 Efat Samir Fathalla, Sahar Zargarzadeh, Chunsheng Xin, Hongyi Wu, Peng Jiang, Joao F. Santos, Jacek Kibilda, Aloizio Pereira da

The datasets we have obtained from the beam profiling and the machine learning model for beamforming are valuable for a broad set of network design problems, such as network topology optimization, user equipment association, power allocation, and beam scheduling, in complex and dynamic mmWave networks.


Radio Access Technology Characterisation Through Object Detection

no code implementations27 Jul 2020 Erika Fonseca, Joao F. Santos, Francisco Paisana, Luiz A. DaSilva

In contrast to other \ac{ML} methods that can only provide the class of the monitored \acp{RAT}, the solution we propose can recognise not only different \acp{RAT} in shared spectrum, but also identify critical parameters such as inter-frame duration, frame duration, centre frequency, and signal bandwidth by using object detection and a feature extraction module to extract features from spectrograms.

General Classification Object +2

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