Search Results for author: Joao Paulo Carvalho

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

ConText at WASSA 2024 Empathy and Personality Shared Task: History-Dependent Embedding Utterance Representations for Empathy and Emotion Prediction in Conversations

no code implementations4 Jul 2024 Patrícia Pereira, Helena Moniz, Joao Paulo Carvalho

In our submissions, we model empathy, emotion polarity and emotion intensity of each utterance in a conversation by feeding the utterance to be classified together with its conversational context, i. e., a certain number of previous conversational turns, as input to an encoder Pre-trained Language Model, to which we append a regression head for prediction.

Language Modelling

Fuzzy Fingerprinting Transformer Language-Models for Emotion Recognition in Conversations

no code implementations8 Sep 2023 Patrícia Pereira, Rui Ribeiro, Helena Moniz, Luisa Coheur, Joao Paulo Carvalho

Fuzzy Fingerprints have been successfully used as an interpretable text classification technique, but, like most other techniques, have been largely surpassed in performance by Large Pre-trained Language Models, such as BERT or RoBERTa.

Emotion Recognition text-classification +1

Context-Dependent Embedding Utterance Representations for Emotion Recognition in Conversations

1 code implementation17 Apr 2023 Patrícia Pereira, Helena Moniz, Isabel Dias, Joao Paulo Carvalho

The usual approach to model the conversational context has been to produce context-independent representations of each utterance and subsequently perform contextual modeling of these.

 Ranked #1 on Emotion Recognition in Conversation on EmoWoz (Macro F1 metric)

Classification Emotion Recognition in Conversation

Deep Emotion Recognition in Textual Conversations: A Survey

no code implementations16 Nov 2022 Patrícia Pereira, Helena Moniz, Joao Paulo Carvalho

This is followed by descriptions of the most prominent works in ERC with explanations of the Deep Learning architectures employed.

Emotion Recognition in Conversation Survey +1

Retrieval Augmentation for Deep Neural Networks

1 code implementation25 Feb 2021 Rita Parada Ramos, Patrícia Pereira, Helena Moniz, Joao Paulo Carvalho, Bruno Martins

Despite the use of large training datasets, most models are trained by iterating over single input-output pairs, discarding the remaining examples for the current prediction.

Image Captioning Sentiment Analysis +1

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