Search Results for author: Joao Rulff

Found 6 papers, 4 papers with code

Granularity at Scale: Estimating Neighborhood Socioeconomic Indicators from High-Resolution Orthographic Imagery and Hybrid Learning

1 code implementation28 Sep 2023 Ethan Brewer, Giovani Valdrighi, Parikshit Solunke, Joao Rulff, Yurii Piadyk, Zhonghui Lv, Jorge Poco, Claudio Silva

Many areas of the world are without basic information on the socioeconomic well-being of the residing population due to limitations in existing data collection methods.

Calibrate: Interactive Analysis of Probabilistic Model Output

no code implementations27 Jul 2022 Peter Xenopoulos, Joao Rulff, Luis Gustavo Nonato, Brian Barr, Claudio Silva

Calibrate constructs a reliability diagram that is resistant to drawbacks in traditional approaches, and allows for interactive subgroup analysis and instance-level inspection.

A Study on Robustness to Perturbations for Representations of Environmental Sound

no code implementations20 Mar 2022 Sangeeta Srivastava, Ho-Hsiang Wu, Joao Rulff, Magdalena Fuentes, Mark Cartwright, Claudio Silva, Anish Arora, Juan Pablo Bello

To accomplish this, we imitate channel effects by injecting perturbations to the audio signal and measure the shift in the new (perturbed) embeddings with three distance measures, making the evaluation domain-dependent but not task-dependent.

FAD Transfer Learning

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