Search Results for author: Joerg Raisch

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Exploiting Over-The-Air Consensus for Collision Avoidance and Formation Control in Multi-Agent Systems

no code implementations21 Mar 2024 Michael Epp, Fabio Molinari, Joerg Raisch

This paper introduces a distributed control method for multi-agent robotic systems employing Over the Air Consensus (OtA-Consensus).

Collision Avoidance

Boosting Fairness and Robustness in Over-the-Air Federated Learning

no code implementations7 Mar 2024 Halil Yigit Oksuz, Fabio Molinari, Henning Sprekeler, Joerg Raisch

Over-the-Air Computation is a beyond-5G communication strategy that has recently been shown to be useful for the decentralized training of machine learning models due to its efficiency.

Fairness Federated Learning

The non-positive circuit weight problem in parametric graphs: a solution based on dioid theory

no code implementations24 Feb 2021 Davide Zorzenon, Jan Komenda, Joerg Raisch

This problem, which generalizes other instances of the NCP previously investigated in the literature, has applications in the consistency analysis of a class of discrete-event systems called P-time event graphs.

Combinatorics Systems and Control Systems and Control Optimization and Control 68R10 (Primary) 15A80, 68Q45 (Secondary)

Low Complexity Method for Simulation of Epidemics Based on Dijkstra's Algorithm

no code implementations6 Oct 2020 Davide Zorzenon, Fabio Molinari, Joerg Raisch

Models of epidemics over networks have become popular, as they describe the impact of individual behavior on infection spread.

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