Search Results for author: Johannes Deleu

Found 34 papers, 21 papers with code

UGent-T2K at the 2nd DialDoc Shared Task: A Retrieval-Focused Dialog System Grounded in Multiple Documents

no code implementations dialdoc (ACL) 2022 Yiwei Jiang, Amir Hadifar, Johannes Deleu, Thomas Demeester, Chris Develder

Further, error analysis reveals two major failure cases, to be addressed in future work: (i) in case of topic shift within the dialog, retrieval often fails to select the correct grounding document(s), and (ii) generation sometimes fails to use the correctly retrieved grounding passage.

Decoder Passage Retrieval +2

Dynamic Negative Guidance of Diffusion Models

1 code implementation18 Oct 2024 Felix Koulischer, Johannes Deleu, Gabriel Raya, Thomas Demeester, Luca Ambrogioni

Negative Prompting (NP) is widely utilized in diffusion models, particularly in text-to-image applications, to prevent the generation of undesired features.


Clinical Reasoning over Tabular Data and Text with Bayesian Networks

1 code implementation14 Mar 2024 Paloma Rabaey, Johannes Deleu, Stefan Heytens, Thomas Demeester

Bayesian networks are well-suited for clinical reasoning on tabular data, but are less compatible with natural language data, for which neural networks provide a successful framework.

Exploring the Temperature-Dependent Phase Transition in Modern Hopfield Networks

no code implementations30 Nov 2023 Felix Koulischer, Cédric Goemaere, Tom Van Der Meersch, Johannes Deleu, Thomas Demeester

To achieve this, the distribution of energy minima is tracked in a simplified MHN in which equidistant normalised patterns are stored.

Accelerating Hopfield Network Dynamics: Beyond Synchronous Updates and Forward Euler

2 code implementations27 Nov 2023 Cédric Goemaere, Johannes Deleu, Thomas Demeester

The Hopfield network serves as a fundamental energy-based model in machine learning, capturing memory retrieval dynamics through an ordinary differential equation (ODE).


Training a Hopfield Variational Autoencoder with Equilibrium Propagation

no code implementations25 Nov 2023 Tom Van Der Meersch, Johannes Deleu, Thomas Demeester

In spite of its theoretical guarantees, its application in the AI domain remains limited to the discriminative setting.


Career Path Prediction using Resume Representation Learning and Skill-based Matching

no code implementations24 Oct 2023 Jens-Joris Decorte, Jeroen Van Hautte, Johannes Deleu, Chris Develder, Thomas Demeester

The impact of person-job fit on job satisfaction and performance is widely acknowledged, which highlights the importance of providing workers with next steps at the right time in their career.

Representation Learning

Distractor generation for multiple-choice questions with predictive prompting and large language models

2 code implementations30 Jul 2023 Semere Kiros Bitew, Johannes Deleu, Chris Develder, Thomas Demeester

We also show the gains of our approach 1 in generating high-quality distractors by comparing it with a zero-shot ChatGPT and a few-shot ChatGPT prompted with static examples.

Distractor Generation Multiple-choice

Extreme Multi-Label Skill Extraction Training using Large Language Models

no code implementations20 Jul 2023 Jens-Joris Decorte, Severine Verlinden, Jeroen Van Hautte, Johannes Deleu, Chris Develder, Thomas Demeester

Online job ads serve as a valuable source of information for skill requirements, playing a crucial role in labor market analysis and e-recruitment processes.

Contrastive Learning Extreme Multi-Label Classification +1

Learning from Partially Annotated Data: Example-aware Creation of Gap-filling Exercises for Language Learning

1 code implementation2 Jun 2023 Semere Kiros Bitew, Johannes Deleu, A. Seza Doğruöz, Chris Develder, Thomas Demeester

Since performing exercises (including, e. g., practice tests) forms a crucial component of learning, and creating such exercises requires non-trivial effort from the teacher, there is a great value in automatic exercise generation in digital tools in education.

BioDEX: Large-Scale Biomedical Adverse Drug Event Extraction for Real-World Pharmacovigilance

1 code implementation22 May 2023 Karel D'Oosterlinck, François Remy, Johannes Deleu, Thomas Demeester, Chris Develder, Klim Zaporojets, Aneiss Ghodsi, Simon Ellershaw, Jack Collins, Christopher Potts

We introduce BioDEX, a large-scale resource for Biomedical adverse Drug Event Extraction, rooted in the historical output of drug safety reporting in the U. S. BioDEX consists of 65k abstracts and 19k full-text biomedical papers with 256k associated document-level safety reports created by medical experts.

Event Extraction Pharmacovigilance

TempEL: Linking Dynamically Evolving and Newly Emerging Entities

1 code implementation5 Feb 2023 Klim Zaporojets, Lucie-Aimee Kaffee, Johannes Deleu, Thomas Demeester, Chris Develder, Isabelle Augenstein

For that study, we introduce TempEL, an entity linking dataset that consists of time-stratified English Wikipedia snapshots from 2013 to 2022, from which we collect both anchor mentions of entities, and these target entities' descriptions.

Entity Disambiguation Entity Linking

Learning to Reuse Distractors to support Multiple Choice Question Generation in Education

1 code implementation25 Oct 2022 Semere Kiros Bitew, Amir Hadifar, Lucas Sterckx, Johannes Deleu, Chris Develder, Thomas Demeester

This paper studies how a large existing set of manually created answers and distractors for questions over a variety of domains, subjects, and languages can be leveraged to help teachers in creating new MCQs, by the smart reuse of existing distractors.

Multiple-choice Question Generation +1

EduQG: A Multi-format Multiple Choice Dataset for the Educational Domain

1 code implementation12 Oct 2022 Amir Hadifar, Semere Kiros Bitew, Johannes Deleu, Chris Develder, Thomas Demeester

Thus, our versatile dataset can be used for both question and distractor generation, as well as to explore new challenges such as question format conversion.

Distractor Generation Multiple-choice +3

Design of Negative Sampling Strategies for Distantly Supervised Skill Extraction

1 code implementation13 Sep 2022 Jens-Joris Decorte, Jeroen Van Hautte, Johannes Deleu, Chris Develder, Thomas Demeester

We introduce a manually annotated evaluation benchmark for skill extraction based on the ESCO taxonomy, on which we validate our models.

CookDial: A dataset for task-oriented dialogs grounded in procedural documents

1 code implementation17 Jun 2022 Yiwei Jiang, Klim Zaporojets, Johannes Deleu, Thomas Demeester, Chris Develder

This work presents a new dialog dataset, CookDial, that facilitates research on task-oriented dialog systems with procedural knowledge understanding.

Decision Making Response Generation

Towards Consistent Document-level Entity Linking: Joint Models for Entity Linking and Coreference Resolution

1 code implementation ACL 2022 Klim Zaporojets, Johannes Deleu, Yiwei Jiang, Thomas Demeester, Chris Develder

We consider the task of document-level entity linking (EL), where it is important to make consistent decisions for entity mentions over the full document jointly.

coreference-resolution Entity Linking +1

Injecting Knowledge Base Information into End-to-End Joint Entity and Relation Extraction and Coreference Resolution

1 code implementation Findings (ACL) 2021 Severine Verlinden, Klim Zaporojets, Johannes Deleu, Thomas Demeester, Chris Develder

The used KB entity representations are learned from either (i) hyperlinked text documents (Wikipedia), or (ii) a knowledge graph (Wikidata), and appear complementary in raising IE performance.

coreference-resolution Entity Linking +4

DWIE: an entity-centric dataset for multi-task document-level information extraction

2 code implementations26 Sep 2020 Klim Zaporojets, Johannes Deleu, Chris Develder, Thomas Demeester

Second, the document-level multi-task annotations require the models to transfer information between entity mentions located in different parts of the document, as well as between different tasks, in a joint learning setting.

coreference-resolution Entity Linking +5

Solving Arithmetic Word Problems by Scoring Equations with Recursive Neural Networks

no code implementations11 Sep 2020 Klim Zaporojets, Giannis Bekoulis, Johannes Deleu, Thomas Demeester, Chris Develder

Recent works use automatic extraction and ranking of candidate solution equations providing the answer to arithmetic word problems.

Block-wise Dynamic Sparseness

1 code implementation14 Jan 2020 Amir Hadifar, Johannes Deleu, Chris Develder, Thomas Demeester

In this paper, we present a new method for \emph{dynamic sparseness}, whereby part of the computations are omitted dynamically, based on the input.

Language Modeling Language Modelling

Sub-event detection from Twitter streams as a sequence labeling problem

1 code implementation NAACL 2019 Giannis Bekoulis, Johannes Deleu, Thomas Demeester, Chris Develder

This paper introduces improved methods for sub-event detection in social media streams, by applying neural sequence models not only on the level of individual posts, but also directly on the stream level.

Event Detection

Predefined Sparseness in Recurrent Sequence Models

1 code implementation CONLL 2018 Thomas Demeester, Johannes Deleu, Fréderic Godin, Chris Develder

Inducing sparseness while training neural networks has been shown to yield models with a lower memory footprint but similar effectiveness to dense models.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +1

Adversarial training for multi-context joint entity and relation extraction

1 code implementation EMNLP 2018 Giannis Bekoulis, Johannes Deleu, Thomas Demeester, Chris Develder

Adversarial training (AT) is a regularization method that can be used to improve the robustness of neural network methods by adding small perturbations in the training data.

Joint Entity and Relation Extraction Relation

Prior Attention for Style-aware Sequence-to-Sequence Models

no code implementations25 Jun 2018 Lucas Sterckx, Johannes Deleu, Chris Develder, Thomas Demeester

We extend sequence-to-sequence models with the possibility to control the characteristics or style of the generated output, via attention that is generated a priori (before decoding) from a latent code vector.

Lexical Simplification Sentence

Joint entity recognition and relation extraction as a multi-head selection problem

6 code implementations20 Apr 2018 Giannis Bekoulis, Johannes Deleu, Thomas Demeester, Chris Develder

State-of-the-art models for joint entity recognition and relation extraction strongly rely on external natural language processing (NLP) tools such as POS (part-of-speech) taggers and dependency parsers.

POS Relation

An attentive neural architecture for joint segmentation and parsing and its application to real estate ads

1 code implementation27 Sep 2017 Giannis Bekoulis, Johannes Deleu, Thomas Demeester, Chris Develder

In this work, we propose a new joint model that is able to tackle the two tasks simultaneously and construct the property tree by (i) avoiding the error propagation that would arise from the subtasks one after the other in a pipelined fashion, and (ii) exploiting the interactions between the subtasks.

Dependency Parsing

Reconstructing the house from the ad: Structured prediction on real estate classifieds

1 code implementation EACL 2017 Giannis Bekoulis, Johannes Deleu, Thomas Demeester, Chris Develder

In this paper, we address the (to the best of our knowledge) new problem of extracting a structured description of real estate properties from their natural language descriptions in classifieds.

Dependency Parsing Named Entity Recognition (NER) +1

Knowledge Base Population using Semantic Label Propagation

no code implementations19 Nov 2015 Lucas Sterckx, Thomas Demeester, Johannes Deleu, Chris Develder

We propose to combine distant supervision with minimal manual supervision in a technique called feature labeling, to eliminate noise from the large and noisy initial training set, resulting in a significant increase of precision.

Knowledge Base Population Relation

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