Search Results for author: Johannes Knittel

Found 8 papers, 2 papers with code

GPT-2 Through the Lens of Vector Symbolic Architectures

no code implementations10 Dec 2024 Johannes Knittel, Tushaar Gangavarapu, Hendrik Strobelt, Hanspeter Pfister

Understanding the general priniciples behind transformer models remains a complex endeavor.


Multimodal Learning for Embryo Viability Prediction in Clinical IVF

no code implementations21 Oct 2024 Junsik Kim, Zhiyi Shi, Davin Jeong, Johannes Knittel, Helen Y. Yang, Yonghyun Song, Wanhua Li, Yicong Li, Dalit Ben-Yosef, Daniel Needleman, Hanspeter Pfister

In clinical In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), identifying the most viable embryo for transfer is important to increasing the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.

Real-Time Visual Analysis of High-Volume Social Media Posts

no code implementations6 Aug 2021 Johannes Knittel, Steffen Koch, Tan Tang, Wei Chen, Yingcai Wu, Shixia Liu, Thomas Ertl

In contrast to previous work, our system also works with non-geolocated posts and avoids extensive preprocessing such as detecting events.

Clustering Diversity +1

Efficient Sparse Spherical k-Means for Document Clustering

1 code implementation30 Jul 2021 Johannes Knittel, Steffen Koch, Thomas Ertl

Spherical k-Means is frequently used to cluster document collections because it performs reasonably well in many settings and is computationally efficient.

Clustering Short Text Clustering +1

ELSKE: Efficient Large-Scale Keyphrase Extraction

1 code implementation10 Feb 2021 Johannes Knittel, Steffen Koch, Thomas Ertl

Keyphrase extraction methods can provide insights into large collections of documents such as social media posts.

Information Retrieval Keyphrase Extraction +2

Visual Neural Decomposition to Explain Multivariate Data Sets

no code implementations11 Sep 2020 Johannes Knittel, Andres Lalama, Steffen Koch, Thomas Ertl

Investigating relationships between variables in multi-dimensional data sets is a common task for data analysts and engineers.

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