Search Results for author: Johannes Meier

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

NIFF: Alleviating Forgetting in Generalized Few-Shot Object Detection via Neural Instance Feature Forging

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Karim Guirguis, Johannes Meier, George Eskandar, Matthias Kayser, Bin Yang, Juergen Beyerer

Our contribution is three-fold: (1) we design a standalone lightweight generator with (2) class-wise heads (3) to generate and replay diverse instance-level base features to the RoI head while finetuning on the novel data.

Data-free Knowledge Distillation Few-Shot Object Detection +2

A Robust Unsupervised Ensemble of Feature-Based Explanations using Restricted Boltzmann Machines

1 code implementation14 Nov 2021 Vadim Borisov, Johannes Meier, Johan van den Heuvel, Hamed Jalali, Gjergji Kasneci

Understanding the results of deep neural networks is an essential step towards wider acceptance of deep learning algorithms.

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