Search Results for author: John E. Hopcroft

Found 29 papers, 11 papers with code

Tokenizing 3D Molecule Structure with Quantized Spherical Coordinates

no code implementations2 Dec 2024 Kaiyuan Gao, Yusong Wang, Haoxiang Guan, Zun Wang, Qizhi Pei, John E. Hopcroft, Kun He, Lijun Wu

Two primary obstacles emerge: (1) the difficulty in designing a 3D line notation that ensures SE(3)-invariant atomic coordinates, and (2) the non-trivial task of tokenizing continuous coordinates for use in LMs, which inherently require discrete inputs.

molecular representation Property Prediction

Leveraging Contrastive Learning for Enhanced Node Representations in Tokenized Graph Transformers

no code implementations27 Jun 2024 Jinsong Chen, Hanpeng Liu, John E. Hopcroft, Kun He

While tokenized graph Transformers have demonstrated strong performance in node classification tasks, their reliance on a limited subset of nodes with high similarity scores for constructing token sequences overlooks valuable information from other nodes, hindering their ability to fully harness graph information for learning optimal node representations.

Contrastive Learning Node Classification

Diversified Node Sampling based Hierarchical Transformer Pooling for Graph Representation Learning

no code implementations31 Oct 2023 Gaichao Li, Jinsong Chen, John E. Hopcroft, Kun He

Graph pooling methods have been widely used on downsampling graphs, achieving impressive results on multiple graph-level tasks like graph classification and graph generation.

Graph Classification Graph Generation +1

SignGT: Signed Attention-based Graph Transformer for Graph Representation Learning

no code implementations17 Oct 2023 Jinsong Chen, Gaichao Li, John E. Hopcroft, Kun He

In this way, SignGT could learn informative node representations from both long-range dependencies and local topology information.

Graph Representation Learning Node Classification

PIAT: Parameter Interpolation based Adversarial Training for Image Classification

no code implementations24 Mar 2023 Kun He, Xin Liu, Yichen Yang, Zhou Qin, Weigao Wen, Hui Xue, John E. Hopcroft

Besides, we suggest to use the Normalized Mean Square Error (NMSE) to further improve the robustness by aligning the clean and adversarial examples.

Classification Image Classification

Class-aware Information for Logit-based Knowledge Distillation

no code implementations27 Nov 2022 Shuoxi Zhang, Hanpeng Liu, John E. Hopcroft, Kun He

Knowledge distillation aims to transfer knowledge to the student model by utilizing the predictions/features of the teacher model, and feature-based distillation has recently shown its superiority over logit-based distillation.

Knowledge Distillation

On the Complexity of Bayesian Generalization

1 code implementation20 Nov 2022 Yu-Zhe Shi, Manjie Xu, John E. Hopcroft, Kun He, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Song-Chun Zhu, Ying Nian Wu, Wenjuan Han, Yixin Zhu

Specifically, at the $representational \ level$, we seek to answer how the complexity varies when a visual concept is mapped to the representation space.


Local Magnification for Data and Feature Augmentation

no code implementations15 Nov 2022 Kun He, Chang Liu, Stephen Lin, John E. Hopcroft

And further combination with our feature augmentation techniques, termed LOMA_IF&FO, can continue to strengthen the model and outperform advanced intensity transformation methods for data augmentation.

Data Augmentation Diversity +3

Why Robust Generalization in Deep Learning is Difficult: Perspective of Expressive Power

no code implementations27 May 2022 Binghui Li, Jikai Jin, Han Zhong, John E. Hopcroft, LiWei Wang

Moreover, we establish an improved upper bound of $\exp({\mathcal{O}}(k))$ for the network size to achieve low robust generalization error when the data lies on a manifold with intrinsic dimension $k$ ($k \ll d$).

Binary Classification

Uncovering the Local Hidden Community Structure in Social Networks

no code implementations8 Dec 2021 Meng Wang, Boyu Li, Kun He, John E. Hopcroft

We theoretically show that our method can avoid some situations that a broken community and the local community are regarded as one community in the subgraph, leading to the inaccuracy on detection which can be caused by global hidden community detection methods.

Local Community Detection

Stochastic Variance Reduced Ensemble Adversarial Attack for Boosting the Adversarial Transferability

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Yifeng Xiong, Jiadong Lin, Min Zhang, John E. Hopcroft, Kun He

The black-box adversarial attack has attracted impressive attention for its practical use in the field of deep learning security.

Adversarial Attack

Stochastic Variance Reduced Ensemble Adversarial Attack

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Jiadong Lin, Yifeng Xiong, Min Zhang, John E. Hopcroft, Kun He

Black-box adversarial attack has attracted much attention for its practical use in deep learning applications, and it is very challenging as there is no access to the architecture and weights of the target model.

Adversarial Attack

Structure Amplification on Multi-layer Stochastic Block Models

no code implementations31 Jul 2021 Xiaodong Xin, Kun He, Jialu Bao, Bart Selman, John E. Hopcroft

Our previous work proposes a general structure amplification technique called HICODE that uncovers many layers of functional hidden structure in complex networks.

Stochastic Block Model

Integrating Large Circular Kernels into CNNs through Neural Architecture Search

1 code implementation6 Jul 2021 Kun He, Chao Li, Yixiao Yang, Gao Huang, John E. Hopcroft

We first propose a simple yet efficient implementation of the convolution using circular kernels, and empirically show the significant advantages of large circular kernels over the counterpart square kernels.

Data Augmentation Neural Architecture Search

AT-GAN: An Adversarial Generative Model for Non-constrained Adversarial Examples

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Xiaosen Wang, Kun He, Chuanbiao Song, LiWei Wang, John E. Hopcroft

A recent work targets unrestricted adversarial example using generative model but their method is based on a search in the neighborhood of input noise, so actually their output is still constrained by input.

Adversarial Attack Transfer Learning

Single Image Reflection Removal through Cascaded Refinement

3 code implementations CVPR 2020 Chao Li, Yixiao Yang, Kun He, Stephen Lin, John E. Hopcroft

IBCLN is a cascaded network that iteratively refines the estimates of transmission and reflection layers in a manner that they can boost the prediction quality to each other, and information across steps of the cascade is transferred using an LSTM.

Community Detection Reflection Removal

Hierarchical hidden community detection for protein complex prediction

1 code implementation8 Oct 2019 Chao Li, Kun He, Guangshuai Liu, John E. Hopcroft

Results: We propose a method called HirHide (Hierarchical Hidden Community Detection), which can be combined with traditional community detection methods to enable them to discover hierarchical hidden communities.

Molecular Networks

Robust Local Features for Improving the Generalization of Adversarial Training

1 code implementation ICLR 2020 Chuanbiao Song, Kun He, Jiadong Lin, Li-Wei Wang, John E. Hopcroft

We continue to propose a new approach called Robust Local Features for Adversarial Training (RLFAT), which first learns the robust local features by adversarial training on the RBS-transformed adversarial examples, and then transfers the robust local features into the training of normal adversarial examples.

Nesterov Accelerated Gradient and Scale Invariance for Adversarial Attacks

3 code implementations ICLR 2020 Jiadong Lin, Chuanbiao Song, Kun He, Li-Wei Wang, John E. Hopcroft

While SIM is based on our discovery on the scale-invariant property of deep learning models, for which we leverage to optimize the adversarial perturbations over the scale copies of the input images so as to avoid "overfitting" on the white-box model being attacked and generate more transferable adversarial examples.

Adversarial Attack

A New Anchor Word Selection Method for the Separable Topic Discovery

no code implementations10 May 2019 Kun He, Wu Wang, Xiaosen Wang, John E. Hopcroft

In this work, we propose a new method for the anchor word selection by associating the word co-occurrence probability with the words similarity and assuming that the most different words on semantic are potential candidates for the anchor words.

Word Similarity

AT-GAN: An Adversarial Generator Model for Non-constrained Adversarial Examples

no code implementations16 Apr 2019 Xiaosen Wang, Kun He, Chuanbiao Song, Li-Wei Wang, John E. Hopcroft

In this way, AT-GAN can learn the distribution of adversarial examples that is very close to the distribution of real data.

Adversarial Attack

Improving the Generalization of Adversarial Training with Domain Adaptation

2 code implementations ICLR 2019 Chuanbiao Song, Kun He, Li-Wei Wang, John E. Hopcroft

Our intuition is to regard the adversarial training on FGSM adversary as a domain adaption task with limited number of target domain samples.

Adversarial Attack Domain Adaptation

Curvature-based Comparison of Two Neural Networks

no code implementations21 Jan 2018 Tao Yu, Huan Long, John E. Hopcroft

In this paper we show the similarities and differences of two deep neural networks by comparing the manifolds composed of activation vectors in each fully connected layer of them.

Vocal Bursts Valence Prediction

Krylov Subspace Approximation for Local Community Detection

2 code implementations13 Dec 2017 Kun He, Pan Shi, David Bindel, John E. Hopcroft

Community detection is an important information mining task in many fields including computer science, social sciences, biology and physics.

Social and Information Networks

The Local Dimension of Deep Manifold

no code implementations5 Nov 2017 Mengxiao Zhang, Wangquan Wu, Yanren Zhang, Kun He, Tao Yu, Huan Long, John E. Hopcroft

Our results show that the dimensions of different categories are close to each other and decline quickly along the convolutional layers and fully connected layers.

Randomness in Deconvolutional Networks for Visual Representation

no code implementations2 Apr 2017 Kun He, Jingbo Wang, Haochuan Li, Yao Shu, Mengxiao Zhang, Man Zhu, Li-Wei Wang, John E. Hopcroft

Toward a deeper understanding on the inner work of deep neural networks, we investigate CNN (convolutional neural network) using DCN (deconvolutional network) and randomization technique, and gain new insights for the intrinsic property of this network architecture.

General Classification Image Reconstruction

Snapshot Ensembles: Train 1, get M for free

12 code implementations1 Apr 2017 Gao Huang, Yixuan Li, Geoff Pleiss, Zhuang Liu, John E. Hopcroft, Kilian Q. Weinberger

In this paper, we propose a method to obtain the seemingly contradictory goal of ensembling multiple neural networks at no additional training cost.

Hidden Community Detection in Social Networks

4 code implementations24 Feb 2017 Kun He, Yingru Li, Sucheta Soundarajan, John E. Hopcroft

We introduce a new paradigm that is important for community detection in the realm of network analysis.

Community Detection

Deep Manifold Traversal: Changing Labels with Convolutional Features

no code implementations19 Nov 2015 Jacob R. Gardner, Paul Upchurch, Matt J. Kusner, Yixuan Li, Kilian Q. Weinberger, Kavita Bala, John E. Hopcroft

Many tasks in computer vision can be cast as a "label changing" problem, where the goal is to make a semantic change to the appearance of an image or some subject in an image in order to alter the class membership.

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