Search Results for author: John Hughes

Found 7 papers, 4 papers with code

Best-of-N Jailbreaking

1 code implementation4 Dec 2024 John Hughes, Sara Price, Aengus Lynch, Rylan Schaeffer, Fazl Barez, Sanmi Koyejo, Henry Sleight, Erik Jones, Ethan Perez, Mrinank Sharma

We find that BoN Jailbreaking achieves high attack success rates (ASRs) on closed-source language models, such as 89% on GPT-4o and 78% on Claude 3. 5 Sonnet when sampling 10, 000 augmented prompts.

Jailbreak Defense in a Narrow Domain: Limitations of Existing Methods and a New Transcript-Classifier Approach

no code implementations3 Dec 2024 Tony T. Wang, John Hughes, Henry Sleight, Rylan Schaeffer, Rajashree Agrawal, Fazl Barez, Mrinank Sharma, Jesse Mu, Nir Shavit, Ethan Perez

Defending large language models against jailbreaks so that they never engage in a broadly-defined set of forbidden behaviors is an open problem.

Failures to Find Transferable Image Jailbreaks Between Vision-Language Models

no code implementations21 Jul 2024 Rylan Schaeffer, Dan Valentine, Luke Bailey, James Chua, Cristóbal Eyzaguirre, Zane Durante, Joe Benton, Brando Miranda, Henry Sleight, John Hughes, Rajashree Agrawal, Mrinank Sharma, Scott Emmons, Sanmi Koyejo, Ethan Perez

These results stand in stark contrast to existing evidence of universal and transferable text jailbreaks against language models and transferable adversarial attacks against image classifiers, suggesting that VLMs may be more robust to gradient-based transfer attacks.

Instruction Following Language Modelling +1

Is Model Collapse Inevitable? Breaking the Curse of Recursion by Accumulating Real and Synthetic Data

no code implementations1 Apr 2024 Matthias Gerstgrasser, Rylan Schaeffer, Apratim Dey, Rafael Rafailov, Henry Sleight, John Hughes, Tomasz Korbak, Rajashree Agrawal, Dhruv Pai, Andrey Gromov, Daniel A. Roberts, Diyi Yang, David L. Donoho, Sanmi Koyejo

The proliferation of generative models, combined with pretraining on web-scale data, raises a timely question: what happens when these models are trained on their own generated outputs?

Image Generation

Hierarchical Quantized Autoencoders

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Will Williams, Sam Ringer, Tom Ash, John Hughes, David MacLeod, Jamie Dougherty

Despite progress in training neural networks for lossy image compression, current approaches fail to maintain both perceptual quality and abstract features at very low bitrates.

Image Compression Quantization

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