Search Results for author: John Kelly

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Fine-Tuning Federated Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Systems for Transportation IoT

no code implementations10 Feb 2025 Robert Akinie, Nana Kankam Brym Gyimah, Mansi Bhavsar, John Kelly

The rapid advancement of machine learning (ML) and on-device computing has revolutionized various industries, including transportation, through the development of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).

Autonomous Vehicles Federated Learning +1

Early Melanoma Diagnosis with Sequential Dermoscopic Images

no code implementations12 Oct 2021 Zhen Yu, Jennifer Nguyen, Toan D Nguyen, John Kelly, Catriona Mclean, Paul Bonnington, Lei Zhang, Victoria Mar, ZongYuan Ge

In this study, we propose a framework for automated early melanoma diagnosis using sequential dermoscopic images.

Melanoma Diagnosis

Higher Order of Motion Magnification for Vessel Localisation in Surgical Video

no code implementations13 Jun 2018 Mirek Janatka, Ashwin Sridhar, John Kelly, Danail Stoyanov

Locating vessels during surgery is critical for avoiding inadvertent damage, yet vasculature can be difficult to identify.

Motion Magnification SSIM

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