Search Results for author: John Lee

Found 53 papers, 2 papers with code

Restatement and Question Generation for Counsellor Chatbot

no code implementations ACL (NLP4PosImpact) 2021 John Lee, Baikun Liang, Haley Fong

We obtained the best performance in both restatement and question generation by fine-tuning BertSum, a state-of-the-art summarization model, with the in-domain manual dataset augmented with a large-scale, automatically mined open-domain dataset.

Chatbot Question Generation +1

Character Set Construction for Chinese Language Learning

no code implementations EACL (BEA) 2021 Chak Yan Yeung, John Lee

To promote efficient learning of Chinese characters, pedagogical materials may present not only a single character, but a set of characters that are related in meaning and in written form.

Clustering Semantic Similarity +1

A Corpus of Simulated Counselling Sessions with Dialog Act Annotation

no code implementations LREC 2022 John Lee, Haley Fong, Lai Shuen Judy Wong, Chun Chung Mak, Chi Hin Yip, Ching Wah Larry Ng

We present a corpus of simulated counselling sessions consisting of speech- and text-based dialogs in Cantonese.

Text Retrieval for Language Learners: Graded Vocabulary vs. Open Learner Model

no code implementations RANLP 2021 John Lee, Chak Yan Yeung

When the user makes at least half of the expected updates to the open learner model, simulation results show that it outperforms the graded approach in retrieving texts that fit user preference for new-word density.

Text Retrieval

SQuadMDS: a lean Stochastic Quartet MDS improving global structure preservation in neighbor embedding like t-SNE and UMAP

1 code implementation24 Feb 2022 Pierre Lambert, Cyril de Bodt, Michel Verleysen, John Lee

Multidimensional scaling is a statistical process that aims to embed high dimensional data into a lower-dimensional space; this process is often used for the purpose of data visualisation.

DICE: Deep Significance Clustering for Outcome-Aware Stratification

no code implementations7 Jan 2021 Yufang Huang, Kelly M. Axsom, John Lee, Lakshminarayanan Subramanian, Yiye Zhang

Following the representation learning and clustering steps, we embed the objective function in DICE with a constraint which requires a statistically significant association between the outcome and cluster membership of learned representations.

Clustering Neural Architecture Search +1

Automatic Assistance for Academic Word Usage

no code implementations COLING 2020 Dariush Saberi, John Lee, Jonathan James Webster

This paper describes a writing assistance system that helps students improve their academic writing.

Language Modelling

Using Bilingual Patents for Translation Training

no code implementations COLING 2020 John Lee, Benjamin Tsou, Tianyuan Cai

While bilingual corpora have been instrumental for machine translation, their utility for training translators has been less explored.

Machine Translation Translation

A Dataset for Investigating the Impact of Feedback on Student Revision Outcome

no code implementations LREC 2020 Ildiko Pilan, John Lee, Chak Yan Yeung, Jonathan Webster

The dataset consists of student-written sentences in their original and revised versions with teacher feedback provided for the errors.


Using Verb Frames for Text Difficulty Assessment

no code implementations LREC 2020 John Lee, Meichun Liu, Tianyuan Cai

This paper presents the first investigation on using semantic frames to assess text difficulty.

A Counselling Corpus in Cantonese

no code implementations LREC 2020 John Lee, Tianyuan Cai, Wenxiu Xie, Lam Xing

In a case study, we created a chatbot with a domain-specific subcorpus that addressed 25 issues in test anxiety, with 436 inputs solicited from native speakers of Cantonese and 150 chatbot replies harvested from mental health websites.


Personalized Substitution Ranking for Lexical Simplification

no code implementations WS 2019 John Lee, Chak Yan Yeung

In the typical LS pipeline, the Substitution Ranking step determines the best substitution out of a set of candidates.

Lexical Simplification

Hierarchical Optimal Transport for Multimodal Distribution Alignment

2 code implementations NeurIPS 2019 John Lee, Max Dabagia, Eva L. Dyer, Christopher J. Rozell

Our results demonstrate that when clustered structure exists in datasets, and is consistent across trials or time points, a hierarchical alignment strategy that leverages such structure can provide significant improvements in cross-domain alignment.

Personalized Text Retrieval for Learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language

no code implementations COLING 2018 Chak Yan Yeung, John Lee

This paper describes a personalized text retrieval algorithm that helps language learners select the most suitable reading material in terms of vocabulary complexity.

Active Learning Complex Word Identification +1

Personalizing Lexical Simplification

no code implementations COLING 2018 John Lee, Chak Yan Yeung

A lexical simplification (LS) system aims to substitute complex words with simple words in a text, while preserving its meaning and grammaticality.

Complex Word Identification Lexical Simplification

Efficient Tracking of Sparse Signals via an Earth Mover's Distance Dynamics Regularizer

no code implementations12 Jun 2018 Nicholas P. Bertrand, Adam S. Charles, John Lee, Pavel B. Dunn, Christopher J. Rozell

Tracking algorithms such as the Kalman filter aim to improve inference performance by leveraging the temporal dynamics in streaming observations.

Carrier Sentence Selection for Fill-in-the-blank Items

no code implementations WS 2017 Shu Jiang, John Lee

Fill-in-the-blank items are a common form of exercise in computer-assisted language learning systems.

Position Sentence

Identifying Speakers and Listeners of Quoted Speech in Literary Works

no code implementations IJCNLP 2017 Chak Yan Yeung, John Lee

We present the first study that evaluates both speaker and listener identification for direct speech in literary texts.

Segmentation Speaker Identification

Inversion using a new low-dimensional representation of complex binary geological media based on a deep neural network

no code implementations25 Oct 2017 Eric Laloy, Romain Hérault, John Lee, Diederik Jacques, Niklas Linde

Here, we use a deep neural network of the variational autoencoder type to construct a parametric low-dimensional base model parameterization of complex binary geological media.

Dimensionality Reduction

Splitting Complex English Sentences

no code implementations WS 2017 John Lee, J. Buddhika K. Pathirage Don

This paper applies parsing technology to the task of syntactic simplification of English sentences, focusing on the identification of text spans that can be removed from a complex sentence.

Lexical Simplification Machine Translation +4

Distractor Generation for Chinese Fill-in-the-blank Items

no code implementations WS 2017 Shu Jiang, John Lee

This paper reports the first study on automatic generation of distractors for fill-in-the-blank items for learning Chinese vocabulary.

Distractor Generation Semantic Similarity +1

Blue Sky Ideas in Artificial Intelligence Education from the EAAI 2017 New and Future AI Educator Program

no code implementations1 Feb 2017 Eric Eaton, Sven Koenig, Claudia Schulz, Francesco Maurelli, John Lee, Joshua Eckroth, Mark Crowley, Richard G. Freedman, Rogelio E. Cardona-Rivera, Tiago Machado, Tom Williams

The 7th Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI'17, co-chaired by Sven Koenig and Eric Eaton) launched the EAAI New and Future AI Educator Program to support the training of early-career university faculty, secondary school faculty, and future educators (PhD candidates or postdocs who intend a career in academia).


A Reading Environment for Learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language

no code implementations COLING 2016 John Lee, Chun Yin Lam, Shu Jiang

We present a mobile app that provides a reading environment for learners of Chinese as a foreign language.

Language Acquisition

Developing Universal Dependencies for Mandarin Chinese

no code implementations WS 2016 Herman Leung, Rafa{\"e}l Poiret, Tak-sum Wong, Xinying Chen, Kim Gerdes, John Lee

This article proposes a Universal Dependency Annotation Scheme for Mandarin Chinese, including POS tags and dependency analysis.


An Annotated Corpus of Direct Speech

no code implementations LREC 2016 John Lee, Chak Yan Yeung

We propose a scheme for annotating direct speech in literary texts, based on the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and the coreference annotation guidelines from the Message Understanding Conference (MUC).

A Dependency Treebank of the Chinese Buddhist Canon

no code implementations LREC 2016 Tak-sum Wong, John Lee

We present a dependency treebank of the Chinese Buddhist Canon, which contains 1, 514 texts with about 50 million Chinese characters.

Dependency Parsing Part-Of-Speech Tagging

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