Search Results for author: John Mitchell

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

Securing the Future of GenAI: Policy and Technology

no code implementations21 May 2024 Mihai Christodorescu, Ryan Craven, Soheil Feizi, Neil Gong, Mia Hoffmann, Somesh Jha, Zhengyuan Jiang, Mehrdad Saberi Kamarposhti, John Mitchell, Jessica Newman, Emelia Probasco, Yanjun Qi, Khawaja Shams, Matthew Turek

The interplay between legislation and technology is a very vast topic, and we don't claim that this paper is a comprehensive treatment on this topic.

Social Skill Training with Large Language Models

no code implementations5 Apr 2024 Diyi Yang, Caleb Ziems, William Held, Omar Shaikh, Michael S. Bernstein, John Mitchell

People rely on social skills like conflict resolution to communicate effectively and to thrive in both work and personal life.

DPAdapter: Improving Differentially Private Deep Learning through Noise Tolerance Pre-training

no code implementations5 Mar 2024 ZiHao Wang, Rui Zhu, Dongruo Zhou, Zhikun Zhang, John Mitchell, Haixu Tang, XiaoFeng Wang

DPAdapter modifies and enhances the sharpness-aware minimization (SAM) technique, utilizing a two-batch strategy to provide a more accurate perturbation estimate and an efficient gradient descent, thereby improving parameter robustness against noise.

Cooperative coinfection dynamics on clustered networks

no code implementations17 Dec 2020 Peter Mann, Anne Smith, John Mitchell, Simon Dobson

Coinfection is the process by which a host that is infected with a pathogen becomes infected by a second pathogen at a later point in time.

Physics and Society Populations and Evolution

Generative Grading: Near Human-level Accuracy for Automated Feedback on Richly Structured Problems

1 code implementation23 May 2019 Ali Malik, Mike Wu, Vrinda Vasavada, Jinpeng Song, Madison Coots, John Mitchell, Noah Goodman, Chris Piech

In this paper, we present generative grading: a novel computational approach for providing feedback at scale that is capable of accurately grading student work and providing nuanced, interpretable feedback.

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