Search Results for author: John S Duncan

Found 11 papers, 2 papers with code

Brain Morphology Normative modelling platform for abnormality and Centile estimation: Brain MoNoCle

no code implementations3 Jun 2024 Bethany Little, Nida Alyas, Alexander Surtees, Gavin P Winston, John S Duncan, David A Cousins, John-Paul Taylor, Peter Taylor, Karoline Leiberg, Yujiang Wang

Finally, with the ability to investigate multiple morphology measures in the same framework, we found that biological covariates are better explained in specific morphology measures, and for clinical applications, only some measures are sensitive to the disease process.

Anti-seizure medication tapering is associated with delta band power reduction in a dose, region and time-dependent manner

1 code implementation2 May 2024 Guillermo M. Besne, Nathan Evans, Mariella Panagiotopoulou, Billy Smith, Fahmida A Chowdhury, Beate Diehl, John S Duncan, Andrew W McEvoy, Anna Miserocchi, Jane de Tisi, Mathew Walker, Peter N. Taylor, Chris Thornton, Yujiang Wang

Anti-seizure medications (ASMs) are the primary treatment for epilepsy, yet medication tapering effects have not been investigated in a dose, region, and time-dependent manner, despite their potential impact on research and clinical practice.


Diminished circadian and ultradian rhythms of human brain activity in pathological tissue in vivo

no code implementations13 Sep 2023 Christopher Thornton, Mariella Panagiotopoulou, Fahmida A Chowdhury, Beate Diehl, John S Duncan, Sarah J Gascoigne, Guillermo Besne, Andrew W McEvoy, Anna Miserocchi, Billy C Smith, Jane de Tisi, Peter N Taylor, Yujiang Wang

Chronobiological rhythms, such as the circadian rhythm, have long been linked to neurological disorders, but it is currently unknown how pathological processes affect the expression of biological rhythms in the brain.


Normative brain mapping using scalp EEG and potential clinical application

no code implementations6 Apr 2023 Vytene Janiukstyte, Thomas W Owen, Umair J Chaudhary, Beate Diehl, Louis Lemieux, John S Duncan, Jane de Tisi, Yujiang Wang, Peter N Taylor

Scalp EEG relative band power normative maps are spatially stable across time, in keeping with MEG and intracranial EEG results.


Complementary structural and functional abnormalities to localise epileptogenic tissue

no code implementations6 Apr 2023 Jonathan J Horsley, Rhys H Thomas, Fahmida A Chowdhury, Beate Diehl, Andrew W McEvoy, Anna Miserocchi, Jane de Tisi, Sjoerd B Vos, Matthew C Walker, Gavin P Winston, John S Duncan, Yujiang Wang, Peter N Taylor

Here, we investigate whether structural connectivity abnormalities, inferred from dMRI, may be used in conjunction with functional iEEG abnormalities to aid localisation and resection of the epileptogenic zone (EZ), and improve surgical outcomes in epilepsy.


Temporal stability of intracranial EEG abnormality maps for localising epileptogenic tissue

no code implementations11 Feb 2023 Yujiang Wang, Gabrielle M Schroeder, Jonathan J Horsley, Mariella Panagiotopoulou, Fahmida A Chowdhury, Beate Diehl, John S Duncan, Andrew W McEvoy, Anna Miserocchi, Jane de Tisi, Peter N Taylor

To assess the localising value of band power abnormality, we computed DRS - a measure of how different the surgically resected and spared tissue were in terms of band power abnormalities - over time.


Effects of anterior temporal lobe resection on cortical morphology

1 code implementation13 Dec 2022 Karoline Leiberg, Jane de Tisi, John S Duncan, Bethany Little, Peter N Taylor, Sjoerd B Vos, Gavin P Winston, Bruno Mota, Yujiang Wang

Here, we examine the effects of this surgery on cortical morphology measured in independent variables both near the resection and remotely.

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