Search Results for author: John Yearwood

Found 9 papers, 1 papers with code

Synthetic Dialogue Dataset Generation using LLM Agents

1 code implementation30 Jan 2024 Yelaman Abdullin, Diego Molla-Aliod, Bahadorreza Ofoghi, John Yearwood, Qingyang Li

We conduct human and automatic evaluations, including an evaluation approach that uses GPT-4 to mimic the human evaluation metrics.

Dataset Generation Prompt Engineering

MVC: A Multi-Task Vision Transformer Network for COVID-19 Diagnosis from Chest X-ray Images

no code implementations30 Sep 2023 Huyen Tran, Duc Thanh Nguyen, John Yearwood

Medical image analysis using computer-based algorithms has attracted considerable attention from the research community and achieved tremendous progress in the last decade.

COVID-19 Diagnosis Image Classification +2

Optimising complexity of CNN models for resource constrained devices: QRS detection case study

no code implementations23 Jan 2023 Ahsan Habib, Chandan Karmakar, John Yearwood

We hypothesize that a shallow CNN model can offer satisfactory level of performance in combination by leveraging other essential solution-components, such as post-processing that is suitable for resource constrained environment.

Double Attention-based Lightweight Network for Plant Pest Recognition

no code implementations4 Oct 2022 Sivasubramaniam Janarthan, Selvarajah Thuseethan, Sutharshan Rajasegarar, John Yearwood

Moreover, the comparison results reveal that the proposed approach outperforms existing approaches on both small and large datasets consistently.

Learning post-processing for QRS detection using Recurrent Neural Network

no code implementations7 Oct 2021 Ahsan Habib, Chandan Karmakar, John Yearwood

To the best of our knowledge, the use of GRU to learn QRS-detection post-processing from CNN model generated prediction streams is the first of its kind.

Deep Learning Feature Engineering +1

Knowledge engineering mixed-integer linear programming: constraint typology

no code implementations20 Feb 2021 Vicky Mak-Hau, John Yearwood, William Moran

In this paper, we investigate the constraint typology of mixed-integer linear programming MILP formulations.

Combinatorial Optimization Scheduling

A Knowledge Representation Approach to Automated Mathematical Modelling

no code implementations12 Nov 2020 Bahadorreza Ofoghi, Vicky Mak, John Yearwood

In the search for a suitable machine-readable knowledge representation structure for MILPs, we propose an optimization modelling tree built based upon an MILP model ontology that can be used as a guide for automated systems to elicit an MILP model from end-users on their combinatorial business optimization problems.

Combinatorial Optimization Model extraction +1

Choosing a sampling frequency for ECG QRS detection using convolutional networks

no code implementations4 Jul 2020 Ahsan Habib, Chandan Karmakar, John Yearwood

Automated QRS detection methods depend on the ECG data which is sampled at a certain frequency, irrespective of filter-based traditional methods or convolutional network (CNN) based deep learning methods.

ECG QRS Detection

Impact of ECG Dataset Diversity on Generalization of CNN Model for Detecting QRS Complex

no code implementations IEEE Access 2019 Ahsan Habib, Chandan Karmakar, John Yearwood

In real life, a promising QRS detector may be expected to achieve acceptable accuracy over diverse ECG recordings and, thus, investigation of the model's generalization capability is crucial.

Diversity QRS Complex Detection

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