Search Results for author: Jonas Wacker

Found 7 papers, 4 papers with code

Local Random Feature Approximations of the Gaussian Kernel

1 code implementation12 Apr 2022 Jonas Wacker, Maurizio Filippone

A fundamental drawback of kernel-based statistical models is their limited scalability to large data sets, which requires resorting to approximations.


Complex-to-Real Sketches for Tensor Products with Applications to the Polynomial Kernel

1 code implementation4 Feb 2022 Jonas Wacker, Ruben Ohana, Maurizio Filippone

Commonly used approaches avoid computing the high-dimensional tensor product explicitly, resulting in a suboptimal dependence of $\mathcal{O}(3^p)$ in the embedding dimension.

Improved Random Features for Dot Product Kernels

1 code implementation21 Jan 2022 Jonas Wacker, Motonobu Kanagawa, Maurizio Filippone

These variance formulas elucidate conditions under which certain approximations (e. g., TensorSRHT) achieve lower variances than others (e. g., Rademacher sketches), and conditions under which the use of complex features leads to lower variances than real features.

Recommendation Systems

Transfer Learning for Brain Tumor Segmentation

no code implementations28 Dec 2019 Jonas Wacker, Marcelo Ladeira, José Eduardo Vaz Nascimento

Therefore, there is a substantial demand for automatic image segmentation algorithms that produce a reliable and accurate segmentation of various brain tissue types.

Brain Tumor Segmentation Image Segmentation +3

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