Search Results for author: Jonathan Sprinkle

Found 11 papers, 1 papers with code

Reinforcement Learning Based Oscillation Dampening: Scaling up Single-Agent RL algorithms to a 100 AV highway field operational test

no code implementations26 Feb 2024 Kathy Jang, Nathan Lichtlé, Eugene Vinitsky, Adit Shah, Matthew Bunting, Matthew Nice, Benedetto Piccoli, Benjamin Seibold, Daniel B. Work, Maria Laura Delle Monache, Jonathan Sprinkle, Jonathan W. Lee, Alexandre M. Bayen

In this article, we explore the technical details of the reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms that were deployed in the largest field test of automated vehicles designed to smooth traffic flow in history as of 2023, uncovering the challenges and breakthroughs that come with developing RL controllers for automated vehicles.

Autonomous Driving Reinforcement Learning (RL) +1

Robustness Verification for Knowledge-Based Logic of Risky Driving Scenes

no code implementations27 Dec 2023 Xia Wang, Anda Liang, Jonathan Sprinkle, Taylor T. Johnson

However, crucial decision issues related to security, fairness, and privacy should consider more human knowledge and principles to supervise such AI algorithms to reach more proper solutions and to benefit society more effectively.

Decision Making Fairness +1

So you think you can track?

no code implementations13 Sep 2023 Derek Gloudemans, Gergely Zachár, Yanbing Wang, Junyi Ji, Matt Nice, Matt Bunting, William Barbour, Jonathan Sprinkle, Benedetto Piccoli, Maria Laura Delle Monache, Alexandre Bayen, Benjamin Seibold, Daniel B. Work

This work introduces a multi-camera tracking dataset consisting of 234 hours of video data recorded concurrently from 234 overlapping HD cameras covering a 4. 2 mile stretch of 8-10 lane interstate highway near Nashville, TN.

Benchmarking Object +1

Reachability Analysis for FollowerStopper: Safety Analysis and Experimental Results

no code implementations29 Dec 2021 Fang-Chieh Chou, Marsalis Gibson, Rahul Bhadani, Alexandre M. Bayen, Jonathan Sprinkle

The FollowerStopper controller has been demonstrated to dampen stop-and-go traffic waves at low speed, but previous analysis on its relative safety has been limited to upper and lower bounds of acceleration.

Integrated Framework of Vehicle Dynamics, Instabilities, Energy Models, and Sparse Flow Smoothing Controllers

no code implementations22 Apr 2021 Jonathan W. Lee, George Gunter, Rabie Ramadan, Sulaiman Almatrudi, Paige Arnold, John Aquino, William Barbour, Rahul Bhadani, Joy Carpio, Fang-Chieh Chou, Marsalis Gibson, Xiaoqian Gong, Amaury Hayat, Nour Khoudari, Abdul Rahman Kreidieh, Maya Kumar, Nathan Lichtlé, Sean McQuade, Brian Nguyen, Megan Ross, Sydney Truong, Eugene Vinitsky, Yibo Zhao, Jonathan Sprinkle, Benedetto Piccoli, Alexandre M. Bayen, Daniel B. Work, Benjamin Seibold

This work presents an integrated framework of: vehicle dynamics models, with a particular attention to instabilities and traffic waves; vehicle energy models, with particular attention to accurate energy values for strongly unsteady driving profiles; and sparse Lagrangian controls via automated vehicles, with a focus on controls that can be executed via existing technology such as adaptive cruise control systems.

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