no code implementations • 4 Mar 2024 • Dat Do, Linh Do, Scott A. McKinley, Jonathan Terhorst, XuanLong Nguyen
The dendrogram's construction is derived from the theory of convergence of the mixing measures, and as a result, we can both consistently select the true number of mixing components and obtain the pointwise optimal convergence rate for parameter estimation from the tree, even when the model parameters are only weakly identifiable.
3 code implementations • ICML 2020 • Gregory Plumb, Jonathan Terhorst, Sriram Sankararaman, Ameet Talwalkar
A common workflow in data exploration is to learn a low-dimensional representation of the data, identify groups of points in that representation, and examine the differences between the groups to determine what they represent.
no code implementations • NeurIPS 2014 • Martin Jaggi, Virginia Smith, Martin Takáč, Jonathan Terhorst, Sanjay Krishnan, Thomas Hofmann, Michael. I. Jordan
Communication remains the most significant bottleneck in the performance of distributed optimization algorithms for large-scale machine learning.