Search Results for author: Jong-Hwan Kim

Found 23 papers, 13 papers with code

Fast Bilingual Grapheme-To-Phoneme Conversion

no code implementations NAACL (ACL) 2022 Hwa-Yeon Kim, Jong-Hwan Kim, Jae-Min Kim

Autoregressive transformer (ART)-based grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) models have been proposed for bi/multilingual text-to-speech systems.

Data Augmentation Sentence

Image-Object-Specific Prompt Learning for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning

no code implementations6 Sep 2023 In-Ug Yoon, Tae-Min Choi, Sun-Kyung Lee, Young-Min Kim, Jong-Hwan Kim

To create these IOS classifiers, we encode a bias prompt into the classifiers using our specially designed module, which harnesses key-prompt pairs to pinpoint the IOS features of classes in each session.

Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning Incremental Learning

Cognitive TransFuser: Semantics-guided Transformer-based Sensor Fusion for Improved Waypoint Prediction

1 code implementation4 Aug 2023 Hwan-Soo Choi, Jongoh Jeong, Young Hoo Cho, Kuk-Jin Yoon, Jong-Hwan Kim

Sensor fusion approaches for intelligent self-driving agents remain key to driving scene understanding given visual global contexts acquired from input sensors.

Imitation Learning Scene Understanding +2

Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning for Phrase Break Prediction with Multilingual Language Model

no code implementations5 Jun 2023 Hoyeon Lee, Hyun-Wook Yoon, Jong-Hwan Kim, Jae-Min Kim

We investigate the effectiveness of zero-shot and few-shot cross-lingual transfer for phrase break prediction using a pre-trained multilingual language model.

Cross-Lingual Transfer Language Modelling +1

Balanced Supervised Contrastive Learning for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning

no code implementations26 May 2023 In-Ug Yoon, Tae-Min Choi, Young-Min Kim, Jong-Hwan Kim

Few-shot class-incremental learning (FSCIL) presents the primary challenge of balancing underfitting to a new session's task and forgetting the tasks from previous sessions.

Contrastive Learning Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning +1

Incremental Few-Shot Object Detection via Simple Fine-Tuning Approach

1 code implementation20 Feb 2023 Tae-Min Choi, Jong-Hwan Kim

In this paper, we explore incremental few-shot object detection (iFSD), which incrementally learns novel classes using only a few examples without revisiting base classes.

Few-Shot Object Detection Meta-Learning +1

Self-supervised 3D Object Detection from Monocular Pseudo-LiDAR

no code implementations20 Sep 2022 Curie Kim, Ue-Hwan Kim, Jong-Hwan Kim

There have been attempts to detect 3D objects by fusion of stereo camera images and LiDAR sensor data or using LiDAR for pre-training and only monocular images for testing, but there have been less attempts to use only monocular image sequences due to low accuracy.

3D Object Detection Depth Estimation +3

Deep Q-Network for AI Soccer

no code implementations20 Sep 2022 Curie Kim, Yewon Hwang, Jong-Hwan Kim

Reinforcement learning has shown an outstanding performance in the applications of games, particularly in Atari games as well as Go.

Atari Games reinforcement-learning +1

Writing in The Air: Unconstrained Text Recognition from Finger Movement Using Spatio-Temporal Convolution

1 code implementation19 Apr 2021 Ue-Hwan Kim, Yewon Hwang, Sun-Kyung Lee, Jong-Hwan Kim

Our dataset consists of five sub-datasets in two languages (Korean and English) and amounts to 209, 926 video instances from 122 participants.

GSECnet: Ground Segmentation of Point Clouds for Edge Computing

no code implementations5 Apr 2021 Dong He, Jie Cheng, Jong-Hwan Kim

This paper proposes the GSECnet - Ground Segmentation network for Edge Computing, an efficient ground segmentation framework of point clouds specifically designed to be deployable on a low-power edge computing unit.

Edge-computing Segmentation

Revisiting Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation

1 code implementation23 Mar 2021 Ue-Hwan Kim, Jong-Hwan Kim

Self-supervised learning of depth map prediction and motion estimation from monocular video sequences is of vital importance -- since it realizes a broad range of tasks in robotics and autonomous vehicles.

Autonomous Vehicles Monocular Depth Estimation +2

RDIS: Random Drop Imputation with Self-Training for Incomplete Time Series Data

no code implementations20 Oct 2020 Tae-Min Choi, Ji-Su Kang, Jong-Hwan Kim

In RDIS, we generate extra missing values by applying a random drop on the observed values in incomplete data.

Imputation Missing Values +3

Continual Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation

1 code implementation19 Oct 2020 Joonhyuk Kim, Sahng-Min Yoo, Gyeong-Moon Park, Jong-Hwan Kim

Our novel ETM framework contains Target-specific Memory (TM) for each target domain to alleviate catastrophic forgetting.

Autonomous Driving Continual Learning +3

A Real-Time Predictive Pedestrian Collision Warning Service for Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems Using 3D Pose Estimation

1 code implementation23 Sep 2020 Ue-Hwan Kim, Dongho Ka, Hwasoo Yeo, Jong-Hwan Kim

To achieve the goal, pedestrian orientation recognition and prediction of pedestrian's crossing or not-crossing intention play a central role.

3D Pose Estimation

SimVODIS: Simultaneous Visual Odometry, Object Detection, and Instance Segmentation

1 code implementation14 Nov 2019 Ue-Hwan Kim, Se-Ho Kim, Jong-Hwan Kim

Intelligent agents need to understand the surrounding environment to provide meaningful services to or interact intelligently with humans.

Instance Segmentation Object +5

Convolutional Recurrent Reconstructive Network for Spatiotemporal Anomaly Detection in Solder Paste Inspection

no code implementations22 Aug 2019 Yong-Ho Yoo, Ue-Hwan Kim, Jong-Hwan Kim

In this paper, we propose a convolutional recurrent reconstructive network (CRRN), which decomposes the anomaly patterns generated by the printer defects, from SPI data.

Anomaly Detection Decoder

3-D Scene Graph: A Sparse and Semantic Representation of Physical Environments for Intelligent Agents

1 code implementation14 Aug 2019 Ue-Hwan Kim, Jin-Man Park, Taek-Jin Song, Jong-Hwan Kim

We claim the following characteristics for a versatile environment model: accuracy, applicability, usability, and scalability.

graph construction

I-Keyboard: Fully Imaginary Keyboard on Touch Devices Empowered by Deep Neural Decoder

1 code implementation31 Jul 2019 Ue-Hwan Kim, Sahng-Min Yoo, Jong-Hwan Kim

Current soft keyboards, however, increase the typo rate due to lack of tactile feedback and degrade the usability of mobile devices due to their large portion on screens.


A Stabilized Feedback Episodic Memory (SF-EM) and Home Service Provision Framework for Robot and IoT Collaboration

1 code implementation31 Jul 2019 Ue-Hwan Kim, Jong-Hwan Kim

The service provision with these two main components in a Smart Home environment requires: 1) learning and reasoning algorithms and 2) the integration of robot and IoT systems.

Dense Recurrent Neural Network with Attention Gate

no code implementations ICLR 2018 Yong-Ho Yoo, Kook Han, Sanghyun Cho, Kyoung-Chul Koh, Jong-Hwan Kim

We propose the dense RNN, which has the fully connections from each hidden state to multiple preceding hidden states of all layers directly.

Language Modelling

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