Search Results for author: Jongpil Lee

Found 15 papers, 9 papers with code

LP-MusicCaps: LLM-Based Pseudo Music Captioning

1 code implementation31 Jul 2023 Seungheon Doh, Keunwoo Choi, Jongpil Lee, Juhan Nam

In addition, we trained a transformer-based music captioning model with the dataset and evaluated it under zero-shot and transfer-learning settings.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +4

Disentangled Multidimensional Metric Learning for Music Similarity

no code implementations9 Aug 2020 Jongpil Lee, Nicholas J. Bryan, Justin Salamon, Zeyu Jin, Juhan Nam

For this task, it is typically necessary to define a similarity metric to compare one recording to another.

Metric Learning Specificity +1

Metric Learning vs Classification for Disentangled Music Representation Learning

no code implementations9 Aug 2020 Jongpil Lee, Nicholas J. Bryan, Justin Salamon, Zeyu Jin, Juhan Nam

For this, we (1) outline past work on the relationship between metric learning and classification, (2) extend this relationship to multi-label data by exploring three different learning approaches and their disentangled versions, and (3) evaluate all models on four tasks (training time, similarity retrieval, auto-tagging, and triplet prediction).

Classification Disentanglement +7

Musical Word Embedding: Bridging the Gap between Listening Contexts and Music

no code implementations23 Jul 2020 Seungheon Doh, Jongpil Lee, Tae Hong Park, Juhan Nam

Word embedding pioneered by Mikolov et al. is a staple technique for word representations in natural language processing (NLP) research which has also found popularity in music information retrieval tasks.

Information Retrieval Music Information Retrieval +1

Zero-shot Learning for Audio-based Music Classification and Tagging

1 code implementation5 Jul 2019 Jeong Choi, Jongpil Lee, Jiyoung Park, Juhan Nam

Audio-based music classification and tagging is typically based on categorical supervised learning with a fixed set of labels.

Attribute Classification +5

Representation Learning of Music Using Artist, Album, and Track Information

no code implementations27 Jun 2019 Jongpil Lee, Jiyoung Park, Juhan Nam

Supervised music representation learning has been performed mainly using semantic labels such as music genres.

Representation Learning

Zero-shot Learning and Knowledge Transfer in Music Classification and Tagging

no code implementations20 Jun 2019 Jeong Choi, Jongpil Lee, Jiyoung Park, Juhan Nam

Music classification and tagging is conducted through categorical supervised learning with a fixed set of labels.

Classification General Classification +3

Deep Content-User Embedding Model for Music Recommendation

2 code implementations18 Jul 2018 Jongpil Lee, Kyungyun Lee, Jiyoung Park, Jang-Yeon Park, Juhan Nam

Recently deep learning based recommendation systems have been actively explored to solve the cold-start problem using a hybrid approach.

Collaborative Filtering Music Auto-Tagging +2

Raw Waveform-based Audio Classification Using Sample-level CNN Architectures

no code implementations4 Dec 2017 Jongpil Lee, Taejun Kim, Jiyoung Park, Juhan Nam

Music, speech, and acoustic scene sound are often handled separately in the audio domain because of their different signal characteristics.

Audio Classification General Classification +1

Sample-level CNN Architectures for Music Auto-tagging Using Raw Waveforms

2 code implementations28 Oct 2017 Taejun Kim, Jongpil Lee, Juhan Nam

Recent work has shown that the end-to-end approach using convolutional neural network (CNN) is effective in various types of machine learning tasks.

General Classification Music Auto-Tagging

Representation Learning of Music Using Artist Labels

2 code implementations18 Oct 2017 Jiyoung Park, Jongpil Lee, Jangyeon Park, Jung-Woo Ha, Juhan Nam

In this paper, we present a supervised feature learning approach using artist labels annotated in every single track as objective meta data.

Sound Audio and Speech Processing

Sample-level Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Music Auto-tagging Using Raw Waveforms

3 code implementations6 Mar 2017 Jongpil Lee, Jiyoung Park, Keunhyoung Luke Kim, Juhan Nam

Recently, the end-to-end approach that learns hierarchical representations from raw data using deep convolutional neural networks has been successfully explored in the image, text and speech domains.

Music Auto-Tagging Music Classification

Multi-Level and Multi-Scale Feature Aggregation Using Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks for Music Auto-tagging

1 code implementation6 Mar 2017 Jongpil Lee, Juhan Nam

Second, we extract audio features from each layer of the pre-trained convolutional networks separately and aggregate them altogether given a long audio clip.

General Classification Image Classification +2

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