1 code implementation • 18 Jun 2023 • Jonghyun Kim, Gen Li, Joongkyu Kim
Despite recent progress in semantic image synthesis, complete control over image style remains a challenging problem.
1 code implementation • 17 Dec 2021 • Jonghyun Kim, Gen Li, Cheolkon Jung, Joongkyu Kim
First, we directly extract the style codes from the original image based on superpixels to consider local objects.
2 code implementations • CVPR 2021 • Gen Li, Varun Jampani, Laura Sevilla-Lara, Deqing Sun, Jonghyun Kim, Joongkyu Kim
By integrating the SGC and GPA together, we propose the Adaptive Superpixel-guided Network (ASGNet), which is a lightweight model and adapts to object scale and shape variation.
Ranked #63 on Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation on COCO-20i (5-shot)
1 code implementation • 27 Aug 2020 • Jonghyun Kim, Gen Li, Inyong Yun, Cheolkon Jung, Joongkyu Kim
In this paper, we propose a novel Edge and Identity Preserving Network for Face SR Network, named as EIPNet, to minimize the distortion by utilizing a lightweight edge block and identity information.
3 code implementations • 26 Jul 2019 • Gen Li, Inyoung Yun, Jonghyun Kim, Joongkyu Kim
As a pixel-level prediction task, semantic segmentation needs large computational cost with enormous parameters to obtain high performance.
1 code implementation • 1 Oct 2018 • Inyong Yun, Cheolkon Jung, Xinran Wang, Alfred O. Hero, Joongkyu Kim
Pedestrians in videos have a wide range of appearances such as body poses, occlusions, and complex backgrounds, and there exists the proposal shift problem in pedestrian detection that causes the loss of body parts such as head and legs.
Ranked #27 on Pedestrian Detection on Caltech