Search Results for author: Jordan Jalving

Found 3 papers, 3 papers with code

OMLT: Optimization & Machine Learning Toolkit

1 code implementation4 Feb 2022 Francesco Ceccon, Jordan Jalving, Joshua Haddad, Alexander Thebelt, Calvin Tsay, Carl D. Laird, Ruth Misener

The optimization and machine learning toolkit (OMLT) is an open-source software package incorporating neural network and gradient-boosted tree surrogate models, which have been trained using machine learning, into larger optimization problems.

Bayesian Optimisation BIG-bench Machine Learning +1

A Graph-Based Modeling Abstraction for Optimization: Concepts and Implementation in Plasmo.jl

2 code implementations9 Jun 2020 Jordan Jalving, Sungho Shin, Victor M. Zavala

We present a general graph-based modeling abstraction for optimization that we call an OptiGraph.

Optimization and Control

Graph-Based Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems

5 code implementations12 Dec 2018 Jordan Jalving, Yankai Cao, Victor M. Zavala

We present graph-based modeling abstractions to represent cyber-physical dependencies arising in complex systems.

Optimization and Control

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