1 code implementation • 13 Jul 2023 • Marcel Hussing, Jorge A. Mendez, Anisha Singrodia, Cassandra Kent, Eric Eaton
We provide training and evaluation settings for assessing an agent's ability to learn compositional task policies.
no code implementations • 18 Jan 2023 • Megan M. Baker, Alexander New, Mario Aguilar-Simon, Ziad Al-Halah, Sébastien M. R. Arnold, Ese Ben-Iwhiwhu, Andrew P. Brna, Ethan Brooks, Ryan C. Brown, Zachary Daniels, Anurag Daram, Fabien Delattre, Ryan Dellana, Eric Eaton, Haotian Fu, Kristen Grauman, Jesse Hostetler, Shariq Iqbal, Cassandra Kent, Nicholas Ketz, Soheil Kolouri, George Konidaris, Dhireesha Kudithipudi, Erik Learned-Miller, Seungwon Lee, Michael L. Littman, Sandeep Madireddy, Jorge A. Mendez, Eric Q. Nguyen, Christine D. Piatko, Praveen K. Pilly, Aswin Raghavan, Abrar Rahman, Santhosh Kumar Ramakrishnan, Neale Ratzlaff, Andrea Soltoggio, Peter Stone, Indranil Sur, Zhipeng Tang, Saket Tiwari, Kyle Vedder, Felix Wang, Zifan Xu, Angel Yanguas-Gil, Harel Yedidsion, Shangqun Yu, Gautam K. Vallabha
Despite the advancement of machine learning techniques in recent years, state-of-the-art systems lack robustness to "real world" events, where the input distributions and tasks encountered by the deployed systems will not be limited to the original training context, and systems will instead need to adapt to novel distributions and tasks while deployed.
1 code implementation • 25 Jul 2022 • Jorge A. Mendez
Supervised learning evaluations found that 1) compositional models improve lifelong learning of diverse tasks, 2) the multi-stage process permits lifelong learning of compositional knowledge, and 3) the components learned by the framework represent self-contained and reusable functions.
no code implementations • 15 Jul 2022 • Jorge A. Mendez, Eric Eaton
A major goal of artificial intelligence (AI) is to create an agent capable of acquiring a general understanding of the world.
1 code implementation • 8 Jul 2022 • Jorge A. Mendez, Marcel Hussing, Meghna Gummadi, Eric Eaton
We present CompoSuite, an open-source simulated robotic manipulation benchmark for compositional multi-task reinforcement learning (RL).
no code implementations • 3rd Conversational AI Workshop at 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019) 2019 • Jorge A. Mendez, Alborz Geramifard, Mohammad Ghavamzadeh, Bing Liu
Learning task-oriented dialog policies via reinforcement learning typically requires large amounts of interaction with users, which in practice renders such methods unusable for real-world applications.
1 code implementation • NeurIPS 2018 • Jorge A. Mendez, Shashank Shivkumar, Eric Eaton
Methods for learning from demonstration (LfD) have shown success in acquiring behavior policies by imitating a user.
1 code implementation • ICLR 2022 • Jorge A. Mendez, Harm van Seijen, Eric Eaton
Empirically, we demonstrate that neural composition indeed captures the underlying structure of this space of problems.
1 code implementation • 28 Jun 2022 • Meghna Gummadi, David Kent, Jorge A. Mendez, Eric Eaton
Inspired by natural learners, we introduce a Sparse High-level-Exclusive, Low-level-Shared feature representation (SHELS) that simultaneously encourages learning exclusive sets of high-level features and essential, shared low-level features.
1 code implementation • ICLR 2021 • Jorge A. Mendez, Eric Eaton
A hallmark of human intelligence is the ability to construct self-contained chunks of knowledge and adequately reuse them in novel combinations for solving different yet structurally related problems.
2 code implementations • NeurIPS 2020 • Jorge A. Mendez, Boyu Wang, Eric Eaton
Policy gradient methods have shown success in learning control policies for high-dimensional dynamical systems.