no code implementations • 28 Jun 2020 • José Augusto Stuchi, Levy Boccato, Romis Attux
Machine learning applied to computer vision and signal processing is achieving results comparable to the human brain on specific tasks due to the great improvements brought by the deep neural networks (DNN).
no code implementations • 17 Nov 2016 • Guilherme Folego, Marcus A. Angeloni, José Augusto Stuchi, Alan Godoy, Anderson Rocha
Cross-domain biometrics has been emerging as a new necessity, which poses several additional challenges, including harsh illumination changes, noise, pose variation, among others.
no code implementations • 7 Aug 2015 • Alan Godoy, Flávio Simões, José Augusto Stuchi, Marcus de Assis Angeloni, Mário Uliani, Ricardo Violato
It is well known that speaker verification systems are subject to spoofing attacks.