no code implementations • 5 May 2020 • Huazhu Fu, Fei Li, Xu sun, Xingxing Cao, Jingan Liao, Jose Ignacio Orlando, Xing Tao, Yuexiang Li, Shihao Zhang, Mingkui Tan, Chenglang Yuan, Cheng Bian, Ruitao Xie, Jiongcheng Li, Xiaomeng Li, Jing Wang, Le Geng, Panming Li, Huaying Hao, Jiang Liu, Yan Kong, Yongyong Ren, Hrvoje Bogunovic, Xiulan Zhang, Yanwu Xu
To address this, we organized the Angle closure Glaucoma Evaluation challenge (AGE), held in conjunction with MICCAI 2019.
1 code implementation • 22 Jan 2019 • Anna Breger, Jose Ignacio Orlando, Pavol Harar, Monika Dörfler, Sophie Klimscha, Christoph Grechenig, Bianca S. Gerendas, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, Martin Ehler
In two supervised learning problems, clinical image segmentation and music information classification, the application of our proposed augmented target loss functions increase the accuracy.