Search Results for author: Josef Hoppe

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

Topological Trajectory Classification and Landmark Inference on Simplicial Complexes

no code implementations4 Dec 2024 Vincent P. Grande, Josef Hoppe, Florian Frantzen, Michael T. Schaub

Specifically, given a set of labelled trajectories, which we interpret as edge-flows on the underlying simplicial complex, we search for 2-simplices whose deletion results in an optimal separation of the trajectory labels according to the corresponding spectral embedding of the trajectories into the harmonic space.

Representing Edge Flows on Graphs via Sparse Cell Complexes

2 code implementations4 Sep 2023 Josef Hoppe, Michael T. Schaub

In this paper, we generalize this approach to cellular complexes and introduce the flow representation learning problem, i. e., the problem of augmenting the observed graph by a set of cells, such that the eigenvectors of the associated Hodge Laplacian provide a sparse, interpretable representation of the observed edge flows on the graph.

Inference Optimization Representation Learning

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