Search Results for author: Joseph Arul Raj

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Fine-tuning -- a Transfer Learning approach

no code implementations6 Nov 2024 Joseph Arul Raj, Linglong Qian, Zina Ibrahim

Such a modular approach enables a) objective assessment of the quality of the imputer and classifier independently, and b) enables the exploration of the performance of simpler classification architectures using an optimised imputer.

Imputation Transfer Learning

Knowledge Enhanced Conditional Imputation for Healthcare Time-series

1 code implementation27 Dec 2023 Linglong Qian, Joseph Arul Raj, Hugh Logan Ellis, Ao Zhang, Yuezhou Zhang, Tao Wang, Richard JB Dobson, Zina Ibrahim

We introduce the Conditional Self-Attention Imputation (CSAI), a novel recurrent neural network architecture designed to address the challenges of complex missing data patterns in multivariate time series derived from hospital electronic health records (EHRs).

Benchmarking Imputation +1

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