Search Results for author: Joseph Gonzalez

Found 26 papers, 10 papers with code

Communication-Efficient Federated Learning with Sketching

no code implementations ICML 2020 Daniel Rothchild, Ashwinee Panda, Enayat Ullah, Nikita Ivkin, Vladimir Braverman, Joseph Gonzalez, Ion Stoica, Raman Arora

A key insight in the design of FedSketchedSGD is that, because the Count Sketch is linear, momentum and error accumulation can both be carried out within the sketch.

Federated Learning

Train Big, Then Compress: Rethinking Model Size for Efficient Training and Inference of Transformers

no code implementations ICML 2020 Zhuohan Li, Eric Wallace, Sheng Shen, Kevin Lin, Kurt Keutzer, Dan Klein, Joseph Gonzalez

Since hardware resources are limited, the objective of training deep learning models is typically to maximize accuracy subject to the time and memory constraints of training and inference.

Machine Translation Quantization +1

Reliable Visual Question Answering: Abstain Rather Than Answer Incorrectly

1 code implementation28 Apr 2022 Spencer Whitehead, Suzanne Petryk, Vedaad Shakib, Joseph Gonzalez, Trevor Darrell, Anna Rohrbach, Marcus Rohrbach

We first enable abstention capabilities for several VQA models, and analyze both their coverage, the portion of questions answered, and risk, the error on that portion.

Question Answering Visual Question Answering

C5T5: Controllable Generation of Organic Molecules with Transformers

1 code implementation23 Aug 2021 Daniel Rothchild, Alex Tamkin, Julie Yu, Ujval Misra, Joseph Gonzalez

Methods for designing organic materials with desired properties have high potential impact across fields such as medicine, renewable energy, petrochemical engineering, and agriculture.

Drug Discovery molecular representation

MADE: Exploration via Maximizing Deviation from Explored Regions

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Tianjun Zhang, Paria Rashidinejad, Jiantao Jiao, Yuandong Tian, Joseph Gonzalez, Stuart Russell

As a proof of concept, we evaluate the new intrinsic reward on tabular examples across a variety of model-based and model-free algorithms, showing improvements over count-only exploration strategies.

Efficient Exploration Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Carbon Emissions and Large Neural Network Training

no code implementations21 Apr 2021 David Patterson, Joseph Gonzalez, Quoc Le, Chen Liang, Lluis-Miquel Munguia, Daniel Rothchild, David So, Maud Texier, Jeff Dean

To help reduce the carbon footprint of ML, we believe energy usage and CO2e should be a key metric in evaluating models, and we are collaborating with MLPerf developers to include energy usage during training and inference in this industry standard benchmark.

Neural Architecture Search Scheduling

FetchSGD: Communication-Efficient Federated Learning with Sketching

no code implementations15 Jul 2020 Daniel Rothchild, Ashwinee Panda, Enayat Ullah, Nikita Ivkin, Ion Stoica, Vladimir Braverman, Joseph Gonzalez, Raman Arora

A key insight in the design of FetchSGD is that, because the Count Sketch is linear, momentum and error accumulation can both be carried out within the sketch.

Federated Learning

Visual Transformers: Token-based Image Representation and Processing for Computer Vision

8 code implementations5 Jun 2020 Bichen Wu, Chenfeng Xu, Xiaoliang Dai, Alvin Wan, Peizhao Zhang, Zhicheng Yan, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Joseph Gonzalez, Kurt Keutzer, Peter Vajda

In this work, we challenge this paradigm by (a) representing images as semantic visual tokens and (b) running transformers to densely model token relationships.

General Classification Image Classification +1

HyperSched: Dynamic Resource Reallocation for Model Development on a Deadline

no code implementations8 Jan 2020 Richard Liaw, Romil Bhardwaj, Lisa Dunlap, Yitian Zou, Joseph Gonzalez, Ion Stoica, Alexey Tumanov

Prior research in resource scheduling for machine learning training workloads has largely focused on minimizing job completion times.


Domain-Aware Dynamic Networks

no code implementations26 Nov 2019 Tianyuan Zhang, Bichen Wu, Xin Wang, Joseph Gonzalez, Kurt Keutzer

In this work, we propose a method to improve the model capacity without increasing inference-time complexity.

Diversity object-detection +1

A View on Deep Reinforcement Learning in System Optimization

no code implementations4 Aug 2019 Ameer Haj-Ali, Nesreen K. Ahmed, Ted Willke, Joseph Gonzalez, Krste Asanovic, Ion Stoica

We propose a set of essential metrics to guide future works in evaluating the efficacy of using deep reinforcement learning in system optimization.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

ANODEV2: A Coupled Neural ODE Evolution Framework

no code implementations10 Jun 2019 Tianjun Zhang, Zhewei Yao, Amir Gholami, Kurt Keutzer, Joseph Gonzalez, George Biros, Michael Mahoney

It has been observed that residual networks can be viewed as the explicit Euler discretization of an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE).

On the Computational Inefficiency of Large Batch Sizes for Stochastic Gradient Descent

no code implementations30 Nov 2018 Noah Golmant, Nikita Vemuri, Zhewei Yao, Vladimir Feinberg, Amir Gholami, Kai Rothauge, Michael W. Mahoney, Joseph Gonzalez

Increasing the mini-batch size for stochastic gradient descent offers significant opportunities to reduce wall-clock training time, but there are a variety of theoretical and systems challenges that impede the widespread success of this technique.

Image Classification Image Segmentation +2

Large batch size training of neural networks with adversarial training and second-order information

1 code implementation ICLR 2019 Zhewei Yao, Amir Gholami, Daiyaan Arfeen, Richard Liaw, Joseph Gonzalez, Kurt Keutzer, Michael Mahoney

Our method exceeds the performance of existing solutions in terms of both accuracy and the number of SGD iterations (up to 1\% and $5\times$, respectively).

Second-order methods

Accel: A Corrective Fusion Network for Efficient Semantic Segmentation on Video

1 code implementation CVPR 2019 Samvit Jain, Xin Wang, Joseph Gonzalez

We present Accel, a novel semantic video segmentation system that achieves high accuracy at low inference cost by combining the predictions of two network branches: (1) a reference branch that extracts high-detail features on a reference keyframe, and warps these features forward using frame-to-frame optical flow estimates, and (2) an update branch that computes features of adjustable quality on the current frame, performing a temporal update at each video frame.

Optical Flow Estimation Segmentation +3

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation: from Simulation Engine to the RealWorld

no code implementations24 Mar 2018 Sicheng Zhao, Bichen Wu, Joseph Gonzalez, Sanjit A. Seshia, Kurt Keutzer

To cope with limited labeled training data, many have attempted to directly apply models trained on a large-scale labeled source domain to another sparsely labeled target domain.

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Hemingway: Modeling Distributed Optimization Algorithms

no code implementations20 Feb 2017 Xinghao Pan, Shivaram Venkataraman, Zizheng Tai, Joseph Gonzalez

Distributed optimization algorithms are widely used in many industrial machine learning applications.

Distributed Optimization

MLI: An API for Distributed Machine Learning

no code implementations21 Oct 2013 Evan R. Sparks, Ameet Talwalkar, Virginia Smith, Jey Kottalam, Xinghao Pan, Joseph Gonzalez, Michael J. Franklin, Michael. I. Jordan, Tim Kraska

MLI is an Application Programming Interface designed to address the challenges of building Machine Learn- ing algorithms in a distributed setting based on data-centric computing.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

GraphLab: A New Framework for Parallel Machine Learning

2 code implementations25 Jun 2010 Yucheng Low, Joseph Gonzalez, Aapo Kyrola, Danny Bickson, Carlos Guestrin, Joseph M. Hellerstein

Designing and implementing efficient, provably correct parallel machine learning (ML) algorithms is challenging.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

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