Search Results for author: Joss Moore

Found 1 papers, 0 papers with code

DemoStart: Demonstration-led auto-curriculum applied to sim-to-real with multi-fingered robots

no code implementations10 Sep 2024 Maria Bauza, Jose Enrique Chen, Valentin Dalibard, Nimrod Gileadi, Roland Hafner, Murilo F. Martins, Joss Moore, Rugile Pevceviciute, Antoine Laurens, Dushyant Rao, Martina Zambelli, Martin Riedmiller, Jon Scholz, Konstantinos Bousmalis, Francesco Nori, Nicolas Heess

We present DemoStart, a novel auto-curriculum reinforcement learning method capable of learning complex manipulation behaviors on an arm equipped with a three-fingered robotic hand, from only a sparse reward and a handful of demonstrations in simulation.

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