no code implementations • 18 Jan 2024 • Ioana Bica, Anastasija Ilić, Matthias Bauer, Goker Erdogan, Matko Bošnjak, Christos Kaplanis, Alexey A. Gritsenko, Matthias Minderer, Charles Blundell, Razvan Pascanu, Jovana Mitrović
We introduce SPARse Fine-grained Contrastive Alignment (SPARC), a simple method for pretraining more fine-grained multimodal representations from image-text pairs.
no code implementations • 29 Sep 2021 • Murray Shanahan, Christos Kaplanis, Jovana Mitrović
We present an architecture that is effective for continual learning in an especially demanding setting, where task boundaries do not exist or are unknown, and where classes have to be learned online (with each presented only once).
no code implementations • 27 May 2021 • Murray Shanahan, Christos Kaplanis, Jovana Mitrović
We present an architecture that is effective for continual learning in an especially demanding setting, where task boundaries do not exist or are unknown, and where classes have to be learned online (with each example presented only once).