Search Results for author: Juan Camilo Gamboa Higuera

Found 7 papers, 5 papers with code

One-Shot Informed Robotic Visual Search in the Wild

1 code implementation22 Mar 2020 Karim Koreitem, Florian Shkurti, Travis Manderson, Wei-Di Chang, Juan Camilo Gamboa Higuera, Gregory Dudek

In this paper we propose a method that enables informed visual navigation via a learned visual similarity operator that guides the robot's visual search towards parts of the scene that look like an exemplar image, which is given by the user as a high-level specification for data collection.

Navigate Representation Learning +2

Optimizing Through Learned Errors for Accurate Sports Field Registration

1 code implementation17 Sep 2019 Wei Jiang, Juan Camilo Gamboa Higuera, Baptiste Angles, Weiwei Sun, Mehrsan Javan, Kwang Moo Yi

We propose an optimization-based framework to register sports field templates onto broadcast videos.

Learning Domain Randomization Distributions for Training Robust Locomotion Policies

no code implementations2 Jun 2019 Melissa Mozifian, Juan Camilo Gamboa Higuera, David Meger, Gregory Dudek

We explore the use of gradient-based search methods to learn a domain randomization with the following properties: 1) The trained policy should be successful in environments sampled from the domain randomization distribution 2) The domain randomization distribution should be wide enough so that the experience similar to the target robot system is observed during training, while addressing the practicality of training finite capacity models.

Uncertainty Aware Learning from Demonstrations in Multiple Contexts using Bayesian Neural Networks

1 code implementation13 Mar 2019 Sanjay Thakur, Herke van Hoof, Juan Camilo Gamboa Higuera, Doina Precup, David Meger

Learned controllers such as neural networks typically do not have a notion of uncertainty that allows to diagnose an offset between training and testing conditions, and potentially intervene.


Underwater Multi-Robot Convoying using Visual Tracking by Detection

1 code implementation25 Sep 2017 Florian Shkurti, Wei-Di Chang, Peter Henderson, Md Jahidul Islam, Juan Camilo Gamboa Higuera, Jimmy Li, Travis Manderson, Anqi Xu, Gregory Dudek, Junaed Sattar

We present a robust multi-robot convoying approach that relies on visual detection of the leading agent, thus enabling target following in unstructured 3-D environments.

object-detection Object Detection +1

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