Search Results for author: Juan Wachs

Found 11 papers, 3 papers with code

RUSOpt: Robotic UltraSound Probe Normalization with Bayesian Optimization for In-plane and Out-plane Scanning

no code implementations5 Oct 2023 Deepak Raina, Abhishek Mathur, Richard M. Voyles, Juan Wachs, SH Chandrashekhara, Subir Kumar Saha

To address this challenge, we propose a sample-efficient method to automatically adjust the orientation of the ultrasound probe normal to the point of contact on the scanning surface, thereby improving the acoustic coupling of the probe and resulting image quality.

Bayesian Optimization

Nonmyopic Informative Path Planning Based on Global Kriging Variance Minimization

1 code implementation IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS 2022 Chenxi Xiao, Juan Wachs

While most informative path planners can only plan for a short horizon ahead of time (referred as to myopic planners), we propose a novel planner that is capable of planning global paths in which the nonmyopic exploration efficiency is optimized.

Pose-based Sign Language Recognition using GCN and BERT

no code implementations1 Dec 2020 Anirudh Tunga, Sai Vidyaranya Nuthalapati, Juan Wachs

Recent pose-based architectures for WSLR either model both the spatial and temporal dependencies among the poses in different frames simultaneously or only model the temporal information without fully utilizing the spatial information.

Sign Language Recognition

DAISI: Database for AI Surgical Instruction

no code implementations22 Mar 2020 Edgar Rojas-Muñoz, Kyle Couperus, Juan Wachs

This work provides a baseline for AI algorithms to assist in autonomous medical mentoring.


Triangle-Net: Towards Robustness in Point Cloud Learning

1 code implementation27 Feb 2020 Chenxi Xiao, Juan Wachs

Previous research has shown that points' sparsity, rotation and positional inherent variance can lead to a significant drop in the performance of point cloud based classification techniques.

3D Classification 3D Object Recognition +6

DESK: A Robotic Activity Dataset for Dexterous Surgical Skills Transfer to Medical Robots

1 code implementation3 Mar 2019 Naveen Madapana, Md Masudur Rahman, Natalia Sanchez-Tamayo, Mythra V. Balakuntala, Glebys Gonzalez, Jyothsna Padmakumar Bindu, L. N. Vishnunandan Venkatesh, Xingguang Zhang, Juan Barragan Noguera, Thomas Low, Richard Voyles, Yexiang Xue, Juan Wachs

It comprises a set of surgical robotic skills collected during a surgical training task using three robotic platforms: the Taurus II robot, Taurus II simulated robot, and the YuMi robot.


Coherency in One-Shot Gesture Recognition

no code implementations20 Jan 2017 Maria Cabrera, Richard Voyles, Juan Wachs

The generated samples are then used as training sets for different state-of-the-art classifiers.

Human-Computer Interaction

What makes a gesture a gesture? Neural signatures involved in gesture recognition

no code implementations20 Jan 2017 Maria Cabrera, Keisha Novak, Daniel Foti, Richard Voyles, Juan Wachs

These results suggest that coordinated activity in visual and motor cortices is sensitive to motion trajectories during gesture observation, and it is consistent with the proposal that inflection points operate as placeholders in gesture recognition.

Human-Computer Interaction

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