1 code implementation • EACL 2021 • Judit {\'A}cs, {\'A}kos K{\'a}d{\'a}r, Andras Kornai
For POS tagging both of these strategies perform poorly and the best choice is to use a small LSTM over the subwords.
no code implementations • LREC 2020 • {\'A}d{\'a}m Kov{\'a}cs, Judit {\'A}cs, Andras Kornai, G{\'a}bor Recski
We study a typical intermediary task to Machine Translation, the alignment of NPs in the bitext.
no code implementations • WS 2019 • {\'A}d{\'a}m Kov{\'a}cs, Evelin {\'A}cs, Judit {\'A}cs, Andras Kornai, G{\'a}bor Recski
The Surface Realization Shared Task involves mapping Universal Dependency graphs to raw text, i. e. restoring word order and inflection from a graph of typed, directed dependencies between lemmas.
1 code implementation • LREC 2014 • Judit {\'A}cs
We describe a method for expanding existing dictionaries in several languages by discovering previously non-existent links between translations.