no code implementations • LREC 2022 • Nils Reiter, Judith Sieker, Svenja Guhr, Evelyn Gius, Sina Zarrieß
Automatizing the process of understanding the global narrative structure of long texts and stories is still a major challenge for state-of-the-art natural language understanding systems, particularly because annotated data is scarce and existing annotation workflows do not scale well to the annotation of complex narrative phenomena.
no code implementations • 6 Aug 2024 • Amelie Robrecht, Judith Sieker, Clara Lachenmaier, Sina Zarieß, Stefan Kopp
In this work, we want to give an overview on which pragmatic abilities have been tested in LLMs so far and how these tests have been carried out.
1 code implementation • 27 Jun 2024 • Judith Sieker, Simeon Junker, Ronja Utescher, Nazia Attari, Heiko Wersing, Hendrik Buschmeier, Sina Zarrieß
We examine how users perceive the limitations of an AI system when it encounters a task that it cannot perform perfectly and whether providing explanations alongside its answers aids users in constructing an appropriate mental model of the system's capabilities and limitations.