Search Results for author: Julia Bonn

Found 8 papers, 0 papers with code

CAMRA: Copilot for AMR Annotation

no code implementations18 Nov 2023 Jon Z. Cai, Shafiuddin Rehan Ahmed, Julia Bonn, Kristin Wright-Bettner, Martha Palmer, James H. Martin

In this paper, we introduce CAMRA (Copilot for AMR Annotatations), a cutting-edge web-based tool designed for constructing Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) from natural language text.

Abstract Meaning Representation

From Spatial Relations to Spatial Configurations

no code implementations LREC 2020 Soham Dan, Parisa Kordjamshidi, Julia Bonn, Archna Bhatia, Jon Cai, Martha Palmer, Dan Roth

To exhibit the applicability of our representation scheme, we annotate text taken from diverse datasets and show how we extend the capabilities of existing spatial representation languages with the fine-grained decomposition of semantics and blend it seamlessly with AMRs of sentences and discourse representations as a whole.

Abstract Meaning Representation Natural Language Understanding +1

Spatial AMR: Expanded Spatial Annotation in the Context of a Grounded Minecraft Corpus

no code implementations LREC 2020 Julia Bonn, Martha Palmer, Zheng Cai, Kristin Wright-Bettner

This paper presents an expansion to the Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) annotation schema that captures fine-grained semantically and pragmatically derived spatial information in grounded corpora.

Abstract Meaning Representation Minecraft +1

VerbNet Representations: Subevent Semantics for Transfer Verbs

no code implementations WS 2019 Susan Windisch Brown, Julia Bonn, James Gung, Annie Zaenen, James Pustejovsky, Martha Palmer

This paper announces the release of a new version of the English lexical resource VerbNet with substantially revised semantic representations designed to facilitate computer planning and reasoning based on human language.

PropBank: Semantics of New Predicate Types

no code implementations LREC 2014 Claire Bonial, Julia Bonn, Kathryn Conger, Jena D. Hwang, Martha Palmer

This research focuses on expanding PropBank, a corpus annotated with predicate argument structures, with new predicate types; namely, noun, adjective and complex predicates, such as Light Verb Constructions.

Abstract Meaning Representation Machine Translation +1

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