Search Results for author: Julia Gong

Found 6 papers, 4 papers with code

3D-MIR: A Benchmark and Empirical Study on 3D Medical Image Retrieval in Radiology

1 code implementation23 Nov 2023 Asma Ben Abacha, Alberto Santamaria-Pang, Ho Hin Lee, Jameson Merkow, Qin Cai, Surya Teja Devarakonda, Abdullah Islam, Julia Gong, Matthew P. Lungren, Thomas Lin, Noel C Codella, Ivan Tarapov

The increasing use of medical imaging in healthcare settings presents a significant challenge due to the increasing workload for radiologists, yet it also offers opportunity for enhancing healthcare outcomes if effectively leveraged.

Medical Image Retrieval Retrieval

FlowVOS: Weakly-Supervised Visual Warping for Detail-Preserving and Temporally Consistent Single-Shot Video Object Segmentation

no code implementations20 Nov 2021 Julia Gong, F. Christopher Holsinger, Serena Yeung

In contrast to prior work that uses full optical flow, we introduce a new foreground-targeted visual warping approach that learns flow fields from VOS data.

Object Optical Flow Estimation +4

Refining Targeted Syntactic Evaluation of Language Models

1 code implementation NAACL 2021 Benjamin Newman, Kai-Siang Ang, Julia Gong, John Hewitt

Targeted syntactic evaluation of subject-verb number agreement in English (TSE) evaluates language models' syntactic knowledge using hand-crafted minimal pairs of sentences that differ only in the main verb's conjugation.


AutoToon: Automatic Geometric Warping for Face Cartoon Generation

1 code implementation6 Apr 2020 Julia Gong, Yannick Hold-Geoffroy, Jingwan Lu

Caricature, a type of exaggerated artistic portrait, amplifies the distinctive, yet nuanced traits of human faces.


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