Search Results for author: Julia Rackerseder

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

Fully Automatic Segmentation of 3D Brain Ultrasound: Learning from Coarse Annotations

no code implementations18 Apr 2019 Julia Rackerseder, Rüdiger Göbl, Nassir Navab, Christoph Hennersperger

Trained on the dataset alone, we report a Dice and Jaccard coefficient of $0. 45 \pm 0. 09$ and $0. 30 \pm 0. 07$ respectively, as well as an average distance of $0. 78 \pm 0. 36~mm$.


Weakly-Supervised White and Grey Matter Segmentation in 3D Brain Ultrasound

no code implementations10 Apr 2019 Beatrice Demiray, Julia Rackerseder, Stevica Bozhinoski, Nassir Navab

We implement label transfer from MRI to US, which is prone to a residual but inevitable registration error.

Transfer Learning

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