Search Results for author: Julian Büchel

Found 9 papers, 4 papers with code

Kernel Approximation using Analog In-Memory Computing

1 code implementation5 Nov 2024 Julian Büchel, Giacomo Camposampiero, Athanasios Vasilopoulos, Corey Lammie, Manuel Le Gallo, Abbas Rahimi, Abu Sebastian

We introduce an approach to kernel approximation in machine learning algorithms suitable for mixed-signal Analog In-Memory Computing (AIMC) architectures.

In-Materia Speech Recognition

no code implementations14 Oct 2024 Mohamadreza Zolfagharinejad, Julian Büchel, Lorenzo Cassola, Sachin Kinge, Ghazi Sarwat Syed, Abu Sebastian, Wilfred G. van der Wiel

With the rise of decentralized computing, as in the Internet of Things, autonomous driving, and personalized healthcare, it is increasingly important to process time-dependent signals at the edge efficiently: right at the place where the temporal data are collected, avoiding time-consuming, insecure, and costly communication with a centralized computing facility (or cloud).

Autonomous Driving speech-recognition +1

AnalogNets: ML-HW Co-Design of Noise-robust TinyML Models and Always-On Analog Compute-in-Memory Accelerator

no code implementations10 Nov 2021 Chuteng Zhou, Fernando Garcia Redondo, Julian Büchel, Irem Boybat, Xavier Timoneda Comas, S. R. Nandakumar, Shidhartha Das, Abu Sebastian, Manuel Le Gallo, Paul N. Whatmough

We also describe AON-CiM, a programmable, minimal-area phase-change memory (PCM) analog CiM accelerator, with a novel layer-serial approach to remove the cost of complex interconnects associated with a fully-pipelined design.

Keyword Spotting

Adversarial Attacks on Spiking Convolutional Neural Networks for Event-based Vision

1 code implementation6 Oct 2021 Julian Büchel, Gregor Lenz, Yalun Hu, Sadique Sheik, Martino Sorbaro

Event-based dynamic vision sensors provide very sparse output in the form of spikes, which makes them suitable for low-power applications.

Adversarial Attack Event-based vision


no code implementations ICLR 2022 Julian Büchel, Fynn Firouz Faber, Dylan Richard Muir

We present a new network training algorithm that attacks network parameters during training, and promotes robust performance during inference in the face of random parameter variation.

Network insensitivity to parameter noise via adversarial regularization

2 code implementations9 Jun 2021 Julian Büchel, Fynn Faber, Dylan R. Muir

We present a new adversarial network optimisation algorithm that attacks network parameters during training, and promotes robust performance during inference in the face of parameter variation.

Supervised training of spiking neural networks for robust deployment on mixed-signal neuromorphic processors

no code implementations12 Feb 2021 Julian Büchel, Dmitrii Zendrikov, Sergio Solinas, Giacomo Indiveri, Dylan R. Muir

Our method provides robust deployment of pre-trained networks on mixed-signal neuromorphic hardware, without requiring per-device training or calibration.

Implementing efficient balanced networks with mixed-signal spike-based learning circuits

1 code implementation27 Oct 2020 Julian Büchel, Jonathan Kakon, Michel Perez, Giacomo Indiveri

Our proposed method paves the way towards a system-level implementation of tightly balanced networks on analog mixed-signal neuromorphic hardware.

Cloud Computing Edge-computing

Ladder Networks for Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Image Classification

no code implementations4 Dec 2018 Julian Büchel, Okan Ersoy

We used the Ladder Network [Rasmus et al. (2015)] to perform Hyperspectral Image Classification in a semi-supervised setting.

Classification General Classification +1

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