Search Results for author: Juliana Gambini

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Statistical Properties of the Entropy from Ordinal Patterns

no code implementations15 Sep 2022 Eduarda T. C. Chagas, Alejandro. C. Frery, Juliana Gambini, Magdalena M. Lucini, Heitor S. Ramos, Andrea A. Rey

The ultimate purpose of the statistical analysis of ordinal patterns is to characterize the distribution of the features they induce.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

Comparing Samples from the $\mathcal{G}^0$ Distribution using a Geodesic Distance

no code implementations23 Apr 2019 Alejandro C. Frery, Juliana Gambini

The $\mathcal{G}^0$ distribution is widely used for monopolarized SAR image modeling because it can characterize regions with different degree of texture accurately.

Parameter Estimation for the Single-Look $\mathcal{G}^0$ Distribution

no code implementations29 Sep 2018 Débora Chan, Andrea Rey, Juliana Gambini, Alejandro C. Frery

It is well-known that these images are affected by speckle, and prone to contamination as double bounce and corner reflectors.

The Geodesic Distance between $\mathcal{G}_I^0$ Models and its Application to Region Discrimination

no code implementations1 Jan 2017 José Naranjo-Torres, Juliana Gambini, Alejandro C. Frery

This paper presents a new proposal for feature extraction and region discrimination in SAR imagery, using the geodesic distance as a measure of dissimilarity between $\mathcal{G}_I^0$ models.

Fast Cosine Transform to increase speed-up and efficiency of Karhunen-Loeve Transform for lossy image compression

no code implementations11 Jul 2016 Mario Mastriani, Juliana Gambini

In the second one, we apply the Fast Cosine Transform to the image, and then the transformed image is divided in blocks which are collected according to zig-zag scan too.

Image Compression

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