Search Results for author: Juliano S. Assine

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Slimmable Encoders for Flexible Split DNNs in Bandwidth and Resource Constrained IoT Systems

no code implementations22 Jun 2023 Juliano S. Assine, J. C. S. Santos Filho, Eduardo Valle, Marco Levorato

In approaches based on edge computing the execution of the models is offloaded to a compute-capable device positioned at the edge of 5G infrastructures.


Single-Training Collaborative Object Detectors Adaptive to Bandwidth and Computation

2 code implementations3 May 2021 Juliano S. Assine, J. C. S. Santos Filho, Eduardo Valle

In the past few years, mobile deep-learning deployment progressed by leaps and bounds, but solutions still struggle to accommodate its severe and fluctuating operational restrictions, which include bandwidth, latency, computation, and energy.

object-detection Object Detection

Compressing Representations for Embedded Deep Learning

no code implementations23 Nov 2019 Juliano S. Assine, Alan Godoy, Eduardo Valle

Despite recent advances in architectures for mobile devices, deep learning computational requirements remains prohibitive for most embedded devices.

Deep Learning

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