Search Results for author: Julie Delon

Found 13 papers, 5 papers with code

Gromov-Wasserstein-like Distances in the Gaussian Mixture Models Space

no code implementations17 Oct 2023 Antoine Salmona, Julie Delon, Agnès Desolneux

This is done by introducing new Gromov-type distances, designed to be isometry-invariant in Euclidean spaces and applicable for comparing GMMs across different dimensional spaces.

Properties of Discrete Sliced Wasserstein Losses

no code implementations19 Jul 2023 Eloi Tanguy, Rémi Flamary, Julie Delon

We investigate the regularity and optimisation properties of this energy, as well as its Monte-Carlo approximation $\mathcal{E}_p$ (estimating the expectation in SW using only $p$ samples) and show convergence results on the critical points of $\mathcal{E}_p$ to those of $\mathcal{E}$, as well as an almost-sure uniform convergence and a uniform Central Limit result on the process $\mathcal{E}_p(Y)$.

Domain Adaptation

Wasserstein Dictionaries of Persistence Diagrams

no code implementations28 Apr 2023 Keanu Sisouk, Julie Delon, Julien Tierny

This paper presents a computational framework for the concise encoding of an ensemble of persistence diagrams, in the form of weighted Wasserstein barycenters [100], [102] of a dictionary of atom diagrams.

Dimensionality Reduction

Video Restoration with a Deep Plug-and-Play Prior

no code implementations6 Sep 2022 Antoine Monod, Julie Delon, Matias Tassano, Andrés Almansa

Under a Bayesian formalism, the method consists in using a deep convolutional denoising network in place of the proximal operator of the prior in an alternating optimization scheme.

Deblurring Denoising +4

Can Push-forward Generative Models Fit Multimodal Distributions?

1 code implementation29 Jun 2022 Antoine Salmona, Valentin De Bortoli, Julie Delon, Agnès Desolneux

More precisely, we show that the total variation distance and the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the generated and the data distribution are bounded from below by a constant depending on the mode separation and the Lipschitz constant.

On Maximum-a-Posteriori estimation with Plug & Play priors and stochastic gradient descent

no code implementations16 Jan 2022 Rémi Laumont, Valentin De Bortoli, Andrés Almansa, Julie Delon, Alain Durmus, Marcelo Pereyra

Bayesian methods to solve imaging inverse problems usually combine an explicit data likelihood function with a prior distribution that explicitly models expected properties of the solution.

Image Denoising

Wasserstein Distances, Geodesics and Barycenters of Merge Trees

1 code implementation16 Jul 2021 Mathieu Pont, Jules Vidal, Julie Delon, Julien Tierny

We extend recent work on the edit distance [106] and introduce a new metric, called the Wasserstein distance between merge trees, which is purposely designed to enable efficient computations of geodesics and barycenters.

Bayesian imaging using Plug & Play priors: when Langevin meets Tweedie

no code implementations8 Mar 2021 Rémi Laumont, Valentin De Bortoli, Andrés Almansa, Julie Delon, Alain Durmus, Marcelo Pereyra

The proposed algorithms are demonstrated on several canonical problems such as image deblurring, inpainting, and denoising, where they are used for point estimation as well as for uncertainty visualisation and quantification.

Bayesian Inference Deblurring +2

DVDnet: A Fast Network for Deep Video Denoising

1 code implementation4 Jun 2019 Matias Tassano, Julie Delon, Thomas Veit

Previous neural network based approaches to video denoising have been unsuccessful as their performance cannot compete with the performance of patch-based methods.

Denoising Video Denoising

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