Search Results for author: Julien Lerouge

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

DocXPand-25k: a large and diverse benchmark dataset for identity documents analysis

1 code implementation30 Jul 2024 Julien Lerouge, Guillaume Betmont, Thomas Bres, Evgeny Stepankevich, Alexis Bergès

Identity document (ID) image analysis has become essential for many online services, like bank account opening or insurance subscription.

Fraud Detection TAG

Data Efficient Training of a U-Net Based Architecture for Structured Documents Localization

no code implementations2 Oct 2023 Anastasiia Kabeshova, Guillaume Betmont, Julien Lerouge, Evgeny Stepankevich, Alexis Bergès

Structured documents analysis and recognition are essential for modern online on-boarding processes, and document localization is a crucial step to achieve reliable key information extraction.

Decoder Key Information Extraction

Graph edit distance : a new binary linear programming formulation

no code implementations21 May 2015 Julien Lerouge, Zeina Abu-Aisheh, Romain Raveaux, Pierre Héroux, Sébastien Adam

Moreover, a relaxation of the domain constraints in the formulations provides efficient lower bound approximations of the GED.

Graph Matching

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