Search Results for author: Julien Oster

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

SHDB-AF: a Japanese Holter ECG database of atrial fibrillation

no code implementations22 Jun 2024 Kenta Tsutsui, Shany Biton Brimer, Noam Ben-Moshe, Jean Marc Sellal, Julien Oster, Hitoshi Mori, Yoshifumi Ikeda, Takahide Arai, Shintaro Nakano, Ritsushi Kato, Joachim A. Behar

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common atrial arrhythmia that impairs quality of life and causes embolic stroke, heart failure and other complications.

Generalizable and Robust Deep Learning Algorithm for Atrial Fibrillation Diagnosis Across Ethnicities, Ages and Sexes

no code implementations20 Jul 2022 Shany Biton, Mohsin Aldhafeeri, Erez Marcusohn, Kenta Tsutsui, Tom Szwagier, Adi Elias, Julien Oster, Jean Marc Sellal, Mahmoud Suleiman, Joachim A. Behar

This retrospective study is, to the best of our knowledge, the first to develop and assess the generalization performance of a deep learning (DL) model for AF events detection from long term beat-to-beat intervals across ethnicities, ages and sexes.

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