1 code implementation • 27 Oct 2023 • Sebastian Ament, Andrew Witte, Nishant Garg, Julius Kusuma
Herein, we 1) propose modeling steps that make concrete strength amenable to be predicted accurately by a Gaussian process model with relatively few measurements, 2) formulate the search for sustainable concrete as a multi-objective optimization problem, and 3) leverage the proposed model to carry out multi-objective BO with real-world strength measurements of the algorithmically proposed mixes.
no code implementations • 11 Apr 2022 • Xiou Ge, Richard T. Goodwin, Haizi Yu, Pablo Romero, Omar Abdelrahman, Amruta Sudhalkar, Julius Kusuma, Ryan Cialdella, Nishant Garg, Lav R. Varshney
Finally, we report on how these formulations were used in the construction of buildings and structures in a Meta data center in DeKalb, IL, USA.
no code implementations • 30 Nov 2020 • Pratheep Bondalapati, Abhishek Tiwari, Mustafa Emin Sahin, Qi Tang, Srishti Saraswat, Vishvas Suryakumar, Ali Yazdan, Julius Kusuma, Amit Dubey
Finally, in this article we also shed light on two recent SuperCell field trials performed using a Luneburg lens antenna system.