Search Results for author: Julius Mayer

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Bidirectional Emergent Language in Situated Environments

no code implementations26 Aug 2024 Cornelius Wolff, Julius Mayer, Elia Bruni, Xenia Ohmer

Emergent language research has made significant progress in recent years, but still largely fails to explore how communication emerges in more complex and situated multi-agent systems.

A Review of Nine Physics Engines for Reinforcement Learning Research

no code implementations11 Jul 2024 Michael Kaup, Cornelius Wolff, Hyerim Hwang, Julius Mayer, Elia Bruni

We present a review of popular simulation engines and frameworks used in reinforcement learning (RL) research, aiming to guide researchers in selecting tools for creating simulated physical environments for RL and training setups.

Decision Making MuJoCo +4

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