Search Results for author: Junchi Yan

Found 235 papers, 124 papers with code

Pre-training Entity Relation Encoder with Intra-span and Inter-span Information

no code implementations EMNLP 2020 Yijun Wang, Changzhi Sun, Yuanbin Wu, Junchi Yan, Peng Gao, Guotong Xie

In particular, a span encoder is trained to recover a random shuffling of tokens in a span, and a span pair encoder is trained to predict positive pairs that are from the same sentences and negative pairs that are from different sentences using contrastive loss.

Relation Relation Extraction +1

Discriminative Partial Domain Adversarial Network

no code implementations ECCV 2020 Jian Hu, Hongya Tuo, Chao Wang, Lingfeng Qiao, Haowen Zhong, Junchi Yan, Zhongliang Jing, Henry Leung

Previous methods typically match the whole source domain to target domain, which causes negative transfer due to the source-negative classes in source domain that does not exist in target domain.

Partial Domain Adaptation Transfer Learning

AutoMix: Mixup Networks for Sample Interpolation via Cooperative Barycenter Learning

no code implementations ECCV 2020 Jianchao Zhu, Liangliang Shi, Junchi Yan, Hongyuan Zha

This paper proposes new ways of sample mixing by thinking of the process as generation of barycenter in a metric space for data augmentation.

Data Augmentation

Rethinking the Defocus Blur Detection Problem and A Real-Time Deep DBD Model

no code implementations ECCV 2020 Ning Zhang, Junchi Yan

In this work, we propose novel perspectives on the DBD problem and design convenient approach to build a real-time cost-effective DBD model.

Data Augmentation Defocus Blur Detection

Exploiting Unlabeled Data with Multiple Expert Teachers for Open Vocabulary Aerial Object Detection and Its Orientation Adaptation

1 code implementation4 Nov 2024 Yan Li, Weiwei Guo, Xue Yang, Ning Liao, Shaofeng Zhang, Yi Yu, Wenxian Yu, Junchi Yan

In this paper, we put forth a novel formulation of the aerial object detection problem, namely open-vocabulary aerial object detection (OVAD), which can detect objects beyond training categories without costly collecting new labeled data.

Earth Observation Object +3

Derail Yourself: Multi-turn LLM Jailbreak Attack through Self-discovered Clues

1 code implementation14 Oct 2024 Qibing Ren, Hao Li, Dongrui Liu, Zhanxu Xie, Xiaoya Lu, Yu Qiao, Lei Sha, Junchi Yan, Lizhuang Ma, Jing Shao

This study exposes the safety vulnerabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) in multi-turn interactions, where malicious users can obscure harmful intents across several queries.

LLM Jailbreak Safety Alignment

Training-Free Adaptive Diffusion with Bounded Difference Approximation Strategy

1 code implementation13 Oct 2024 Hancheng Ye, Jiakang Yuan, Renqiu Xia, Xiangchao Yan, Tao Chen, Junchi Yan, Botian Shi, Bo Zhang

Diffusion models have recently achieved great success in the synthesis of high-quality images and videos.


Neural Message Passing Induced by Energy-Constrained Diffusion

no code implementations13 Sep 2024 Qitian Wu, David Wipf, Junchi Yan

Learning representations for structured data with certain geometries (observed or unobserved) is a fundamental challenge, wherein message passing neural networks (MPNNs) have become a de facto class of model solutions.

Inductive Bias

Learning to Solve Combinatorial Optimization under Positive Linear Constraints via Non-Autoregressive Neural Networks

2 code implementations6 Sep 2024 Runzhong Wang, Yang Li, Junchi Yan, Xiaokang Yang

In this paper, we design a family of non-autoregressive neural networks to solve CO problems under positive linear constraints with the following merits.

Combinatorial Optimization Traveling Salesman Problem

RoboSense: Large-scale Dataset and Benchmark for Egocentric Robot Perception and Navigation in Crowded and Unstructured Environments

1 code implementation28 Aug 2024 Haisheng Su, Feixiang Song, Cong Ma, Wei Wu, Junchi Yan

Reliable embodied perception from an egocentric perspective is challenging yet essential for autonomous navigation technology of intelligent mobile agents.

Autonomous Driving Autonomous Navigation +4

Not All Samples Should Be Utilized Equally: Towards Understanding and Improving Dataset Distillation

no code implementations22 Aug 2024 Shaobo Wang, Yantai Yang, Qilong Wang, Kaixin Li, Linfeng Zhang, Junchi Yan

Our findings suggest that prioritizing the synthesis of easier samples from the original dataset can enhance the quality of distilled datasets, especially in low IPC (image-per-class) settings.

Dataset Distillation

PCP-MAE: Learning to Predict Centers for Point Masked Autoencoders

1 code implementation16 Aug 2024 Xiangdong Zhang, Shaofeng Zhang, Junchi Yan

These methods typically include an encoder accepting visible patches (normalized) and corresponding patch centers (position) as input, with the decoder accepting the output of the encoder and the centers (position) of the masked parts to reconstruct each point in the masked patches.

3D Object Classification Decoder +5

FlatFusion: Delving into Details of Sparse Transformer-based Camera-LiDAR Fusion for Autonomous Driving

no code implementations13 Aug 2024 Yutao Zhu, Xiaosong Jia, Xinyu Yang, Junchi Yan

The integration of data from diverse sensor modalities (e. g., camera and LiDAR) constitutes a prevalent methodology within the ambit of autonomous driving scenarios.

Autonomous Driving Image to 3D

Re-TASK: Revisiting LLM Tasks from Capability, Skill, and Knowledge Perspectives

no code implementations13 Aug 2024 Zhihu Wang, Shiwan Zhao, Yu Wang, Heyuan Huang, Sitao Xie, Yubo Zhang, Jiaxin Shi, Zhixing Wang, Hongyan Li, Junchi Yan

This paper introduces the Re-TASK framework, a novel theoretical model that revisits LLM tasks from the perspectives of capability, skill, and knowledge, drawing on the principles of Bloom's Taxonomy and Knowledge Space Theory.

GeoMix: Towards Geometry-Aware Data Augmentation

1 code implementation15 Jul 2024 Wentao Zhao, Qitian Wu, Chenxiao Yang, Junchi Yan

It effectively utilizes geometry information to interpolate features and labels with those from the nearby neighborhood, generating synthetic nodes and establishing connections for them.

Data Augmentation Graph Learning +3

Decentralized Transformers with Centralized Aggregation are Sample-Efficient Multi-Agent World Models

1 code implementation22 Jun 2024 Yang Zhang, Chenjia Bai, Bin Zhao, Junchi Yan, Xiu Li, Xuelong Li

We cast the dynamics learning as an auto-regressive sequence modeling problem over discrete tokens by leveraging the expressive Transformer architecture, in order to model complex local dynamics across different agents and provide accurate and consistent long-term imaginations.

Reinforcement Learning (RL) SMAC+ +1

STAR: A First-Ever Dataset and A Large-Scale Benchmark for Scene Graph Generation in Large-Size Satellite Imagery

3 code implementations13 Jun 2024 Yansheng Li, LinLin Wang, Tingzhu Wang, Xue Yang, Junwei Luo, Qi Wang, Youming Deng, Wenbin Wang, Xian Sun, Haifeng Li, Bo Dang, Yongjun Zhang, Yi Yu, Junchi Yan

This paper constructs a large-scale dataset for SGG in large-size VHR SAI with image sizes ranging from 512 x 768 to 27, 860 x 31, 096 pixels, named STAR (Scene graph generaTion in lArge-size satellite imageRy), encompassing over 210K objects and over 400K triplets.

Graph Generation Object +3

Towards Vision-Language Geo-Foundation Model: A Survey

1 code implementation13 Jun 2024 Yue Zhou, Litong Feng, Yiping Ke, Xue Jiang, Junchi Yan, Xue Yang, Wayne Zhang

Vision-Language Foundation Models (VLFMs) have made remarkable progress on various multimodal tasks, such as image captioning, image-text retrieval, visual question answering, and visual grounding.

Earth Observation Image Captioning +6

Learning Divergence Fields for Shift-Robust Graph Representations

1 code implementation7 Jun 2024 Qitian Wu, Fan Nie, Chenxiao Yang, Junchi Yan

Real-world data generation often involves certain geometries (e. g., graphs) that induce instance-level interdependence.

Causal Inference Out-of-Distribution Generalization

Bench2Drive: Towards Multi-Ability Benchmarking of Closed-Loop End-To-End Autonomous Driving

3 code implementations6 Jun 2024 Xiaosong Jia, Zhenjie Yang, QiFeng Li, Zhiyuan Zhang, Junchi Yan

In an era marked by the rapid scaling of foundation models, autonomous driving technologies are approaching a transformative threshold where end-to-end autonomous driving (E2E-AD) emerges due to its potential of scaling up in the data-driven manner.

Bench2Drive Benchmarking

TerDiT: Ternary Diffusion Models with Transformers

1 code implementation23 May 2024 Xudong Lu, Aojun Zhou, Ziyi Lin, Qi Liu, Yuhui Xu, Renrui Zhang, Yafei Wen, Shuai Ren, Peng Gao, Junchi Yan, Hongsheng Li

Recent developments in large-scale pre-trained text-to-image diffusion models have significantly improved the generation of high-fidelity images, particularly with the emergence of diffusion models based on transformer architecture (DiTs).

Image Generation Quantization

Grounding and Enhancing Grid-based Models for Neural Fields

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Zelin Zhao, Fenglei Fan, Wenlong Liao, Junchi Yan

Many contemporary studies utilize grid-based models for neural field representation, but a systematic analysis of grid-based models is still missing, hindering the improvement of those models.

Novel View Synthesis

AMP: Autoregressive Motion Prediction Revisited with Next Token Prediction for Autonomous Driving

no code implementations20 Mar 2024 Xiaosong Jia, Shaoshuai Shi, Zijun Chen, Li Jiang, Wenlong Liao, Tao He, Junchi Yan

As an essential task in autonomous driving (AD), motion prediction aims to predict the future states of surround objects for navigation.

Motion Forecasting motion prediction +1

Boosting Order-Preserving and Transferability for Neural Architecture Search: a Joint Architecture Refined Search and Fine-tuning Approach

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Beichen Zhang, Xiaoxing Wang, Xiaohan Qin, Junchi Yan

In this work, we analyze the order-preserving ability on the whole search space (global) and a sub-space of top architectures (local), and empirically show that the local order-preserving for current two-stage NAS methods still need to be improved.

Neural Architecture Search

Boundary Matters: A Bi-Level Active Finetuning Framework

no code implementations15 Mar 2024 Han Lu, Yichen Xie, Xiaokang Yang, Junchi Yan

In this paper, we propose a Bi-Level Active Finetuning framework to select the samples for annotation in one shot, which includes two stages: core sample selection for diversity, and boundary sample selection for uncertainty.

Active Learning Denoising +1

CodeAttack: Revealing Safety Generalization Challenges of Large Language Models via Code Completion

1 code implementation12 Mar 2024 Qibing Ren, Chang Gao, Jing Shao, Junchi Yan, Xin Tan, Wai Lam, Lizhuang Ma

The rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) has brought about remarkable generative capabilities but also raised concerns about their potential misuse.

Code Completion Safety Alignment

Rethinking Classifier Re-Training in Long-Tailed Recognition: A Simple Logits Retargeting Approach

no code implementations1 Mar 2024 Han Lu, Siyu Sun, Yichen Xie, Liqing Zhang, Xiaokang Yang, Junchi Yan

In the long-tailed recognition field, the Decoupled Training paradigm has demonstrated remarkable capabilities among various methods.

Representation Learning

Fast and Interpretable 2D Homography Decomposition: Similarity-Kernel-Similarity and Affine-Core-Affine Transformations

1 code implementation28 Feb 2024 Shen Cai, Zhanhao Wu, Lingxi Guo, Jiachun Wang, Siyu Zhang, Junchi Yan, Shuhan Shen

Under the minimal $4$-point configuration, the first and the last similarity transformations in SKS are computed by two anchor points on target and source planes, respectively.

Computational Efficiency

Not All Experts are Equal: Efficient Expert Pruning and Skipping for Mixture-of-Experts Large Language Models

1 code implementation22 Feb 2024 Xudong Lu, Qi Liu, Yuhui Xu, Aojun Zhou, Siyuan Huang, Bo Zhang, Junchi Yan, Hongsheng Li

Specifically, we propose, for the first time to our best knowledge, post-training approaches for task-agnostic and task-specific expert pruning and skipping of MoE LLMs, tailored to improve deployment efficiency while maintaining model performance across a wide range of tasks.

Graph Out-of-Distribution Generalization via Causal Intervention

1 code implementation18 Feb 2024 Qitian Wu, Fan Nie, Chenxiao Yang, TianYi Bao, Junchi Yan

In this paper, we adopt a bottom-up data-generative perspective and reveal a key observation through causal analysis: the crux of GNNs' failure in OOD generalization lies in the latent confounding bias from the environment.

Causal Inference Out-of-Distribution Generalization

GSINA: Improving Subgraph Extraction for Graph Invariant Learning via Graph Sinkhorn Attention

1 code implementation11 Feb 2024 Fangyu Ding, Haiyang Wang, Zhixuan Chu, Tianming Li, Zhaoping Hu, Junchi Yan

Many recent endeavors of GIL focus on extracting the invariant subgraph from the input graph for prediction as a regularization strategy to improve the generalization performance of graph learning.

Graph Attention Graph Learning

QuEST: Low-bit Diffusion Model Quantization via Efficient Selective Finetuning

1 code implementation6 Feb 2024 Haoxuan Wang, Yuzhang Shang, Zhihang Yuan, Junyi Wu, Junchi Yan, Yan Yan

We empirically verify that our approach modifies the activation distribution and provides meaningful temporal information, facilitating easier and more accurate quantization.

Image Generation Model Compression +1

On the Emergence of Cross-Task Linearity in the Pretraining-Finetuning Paradigm

1 code implementation6 Feb 2024 Zhanpeng Zhou, Zijun Chen, Yilan Chen, Bo Zhang, Junchi Yan

The pretraining-finetuning paradigm has become the prevailing trend in modern deep learning.

Poisson Process for Bayesian Optimization

no code implementations5 Feb 2024 Xiaoxing Wang, Jiaxing Li, Chao Xue, Wei Liu, Weifeng Liu, Xiaokang Yang, Junchi Yan, DaCheng Tao

BayesianOptimization(BO) is a sample-efficient black-box optimizer, and extensive methods have been proposed to build the absolute function response of the black-box function through a probabilistic surrogate model, including Tree-structured Parzen Estimator (TPE), random forest (SMAC), and Gaussian process (GP).

Bayesian Optimization Hyperparameter Optimization +2

ViTree: Single-path Neural Tree for Step-wise Interpretable Fine-grained Visual Categorization

no code implementations30 Jan 2024 Danning Lao, Qi Liu, Jiazi Bu, Junchi Yan, Wei Shen

As computer vision continues to advance and finds widespread applications across various domains, the need for interpretability in deep learning models becomes paramount.

Decision Making Fine-Grained Visual Categorization

Continuous-Multiple Image Outpainting in One-Step via Positional Query and A Diffusion-based Approach

1 code implementation28 Jan 2024 Shaofeng Zhang, Jinfa Huang, Qiang Zhou, Zhibin Wang, Fan Wang, Jiebo Luo, Junchi Yan

At inference, we generate images with arbitrary expansion multiples by inputting an anchor image and its corresponding positional embeddings.

Image Outpainting

Knowledge Guided Entity-aware Video Captioning and A Basketball Benchmark

no code implementations25 Jan 2024 Zeyu Xi, Ge Shi, Xuefen Li, Junchi Yan, Zun Li, Lifang Wu, Zilin Liu, Liang Wang

We develop a knowledge guided entity-aware video captioning network (KEANet) based on a candidate player list in encoder-decoder form for basketball live text broadcast.

Decoder Video Captioning

Double-Bounded Optimal Transport for Advanced Clustering and Classification

no code implementations21 Jan 2024 Liangliang Shi, Zhaoqi Shen, Junchi Yan

Even with vanilla Softmax trained features, our extensive experimental results show that our method can achieve good results with our improved inference scheme in the testing stage.


Machine Learning Insides OptVerse AI Solver: Design Principles and Applications

no code implementations11 Jan 2024 Xijun Li, Fangzhou Zhu, Hui-Ling Zhen, Weilin Luo, Meng Lu, Yimin Huang, Zhenan Fan, Zirui Zhou, Yufei Kuang, Zhihai Wang, Zijie Geng, Yang Li, Haoyang Liu, Zhiwu An, Muming Yang, Jianshu Li, Jie Wang, Junchi Yan, Defeng Sun, Tao Zhong, Yong Zhang, Jia Zeng, Mingxuan Yuan, Jianye Hao, Jun Yao, Kun Mao

To this end, we present a comprehensive study on the integration of machine learning (ML) techniques into Huawei Cloud's OptVerse AI Solver, which aims to mitigate the scarcity of real-world mathematical programming instances, and to surpass the capabilities of traditional optimization techniques.

Decision Making Management

Circuit Design and Efficient Simulation of Quantum Inner Product and Empirical Studies of Its Effect on Near-Term Hybrid Quantum-Classic Machine Learning

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Hao Xiong, Yehui Tang, Xinyu Ye, Junchi Yan

However it remains unclear for the embodiment of the quantum circuits (QC) for QIP let alone a (thorough) evaluation of the QIP circuits especially in a practical context in the NISQ era by applying QIP to ML via hybrid quantum-classic pipelines.

Image Classification Self-Supervised Learning

LLM4EDA: Emerging Progress in Large Language Models for Electronic Design Automation

1 code implementation28 Dec 2023 RuiZhe Zhong, Xingbo Du, Shixiong Kai, Zhentao Tang, Siyuan Xu, Hui-Ling Zhen, Jianye Hao, Qiang Xu, Mingxuan Yuan, Junchi Yan

Since circuit can be represented with HDL in a textual format, it is reasonable to question whether LLMs can be leveraged in the EDA field to achieve fully automated chip design and generate circuits with improved power, performance, and area (PPA).

Answer Generation Chatbot +1

LaneSegNet: Map Learning with Lane Segment Perception for Autonomous Driving

1 code implementation26 Dec 2023 Tianyu Li, Peijin Jia, Bangjun Wang, Li Chen, Kun Jiang, Junchi Yan, Hongyang Li

A map, as crucial information for downstream applications of an autonomous driving system, is usually represented in lanelines or centerlines.

Autonomous Driving

Open-sourced Data Ecosystem in Autonomous Driving: the Present and Future

2 code implementations6 Dec 2023 Hongyang Li, Yang Li, Huijie Wang, Jia Zeng, Huilin Xu, Pinlong Cai, Li Chen, Junchi Yan, Feng Xu, Lu Xiong, Jingdong Wang, Futang Zhu, Chunjing Xu, Tiancai Wang, Fei Xia, Beipeng Mu, Zhihui Peng, Dahua Lin, Yu Qiao

With the continuous maturation and application of autonomous driving technology, a systematic examination of open-source autonomous driving datasets becomes instrumental in fostering the robust evolution of the industry ecosystem.

Autonomous Driving

Rethinking Urban Mobility Prediction: A Super-Multivariate Time Series Forecasting Approach

2 code implementations4 Dec 2023 Jinguo Cheng, Ke Li, Yuxuan Liang, Lijun Sun, Junchi Yan, Yuankai Wu

To address this challenge, we present the Super-Multivariate Urban Mobility Transformer (SUMformer), which utilizes a specially designed attention mechanism to calculate temporal and cross-variable correlations and reduce computational costs stemming from a large number of time series.

Multivariate Time Series Forecasting Time Series +1

Unified Batch Normalization: Identifying and Alleviating the Feature Condensation in Batch Normalization and a Unified Framework

no code implementations27 Nov 2023 Shaobo Wang, Xiangdong Zhang, Dongrui Liu, Junchi Yan

In this work, we critically examine BN from a feature perspective, identifying feature condensation during BN as a detrimental factor to test performance.

Instance Segmentation object-detection +2

GMTR: Graph Matching Transformers

1 code implementation14 Nov 2023 Jinpei Guo, Shaofeng Zhang, Runzhong Wang, Chang Liu, Junchi Yan

Meanwhile, on Pascal VOC, QueryTrans improves the accuracy of NGMv2 from $80. 1\%$ to $\mathbf{83. 3\%}$, and BBGM from $79. 0\%$ to $\mathbf{84. 5\%}$.

 Ranked #1 on Graph Matching on PASCAL VOC (matching accuracy metric)

Graph Attention Graph Matching +2

Benchmarking PtO and PnO Methods in the Predictive Combinatorial Optimization Regime

1 code implementation13 Nov 2023 Haoyu Geng, Hang Ruan, Runzhong Wang, Yang Li, Yang Wang, Lei Chen, Junchi Yan

Our study shows that PnO approaches are better than PtO on 7 out of 8 benchmarks, but there is no silver bullet found for the specific design choices of PnO.

Benchmarking Combinatorial Optimization +3

Rethinking Cross-Domain Sequential Recommendation under Open-World Assumptions

1 code implementation8 Nov 2023 Wujiang Xu, Qitian Wu, Runzhong Wang, Mingming Ha, Qiongxu Ma, Linxun Chen, Bing Han, Junchi Yan

To address these challenges under open-world assumptions, we design an \textbf{A}daptive \textbf{M}ulti-\textbf{I}nterest \textbf{D}ebiasing framework for cross-domain sequential recommendation (\textbf{AMID}), which consists of a multi-interest information module (\textbf{MIM}) and a doubly robust estimator (\textbf{DRE}).

Sequential Recommendation

RigLSTM: Recurrent Independent Grid LSTM for Generalizable Sequence Learning

no code implementations3 Nov 2023 Ziyu Wang, Wenhao Jiang, Zixuan Zhang, Wei Tang, Junchi Yan

Sequential processes in real-world often carry a combination of simple subsystems that interact with each other in certain forms.

feature selection

LLM4Drive: A Survey of Large Language Models for Autonomous Driving

1 code implementation2 Nov 2023 Zhenjie Yang, Xiaosong Jia, Hongyang Li, Junchi Yan

Recently, large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated abilities including understanding context, logical reasoning, and generating answers.

Autonomous Driving Few-Shot Learning +2

On the Evaluation and Refinement of Vision-Language Instruction Tuning Datasets

no code implementations10 Oct 2023 Ning Liao, Shaofeng Zhang, Renqiu Xia, Min Cao, Yu Qiao, Junchi Yan

Instead of evaluating the models directly, in this paper, we try to evaluate the Vision-Language Instruction-Tuning (VLIT) datasets.


Advective Diffusion Transformers for Topological Generalization in Graph Learning

no code implementations10 Oct 2023 Qitian Wu, Chenxiao Yang, Kaipeng Zeng, Fan Nie, Michael Bronstein, Junchi Yan

Graph diffusion equations are intimately related to graph neural networks (GNNs) and have recently attracted attention as a principled framework for analyzing GNN dynamics, formalizing their expressive power, and justifying architectural choices.

Graph Learning

Going Beyond Neural Network Feature Similarity: The Network Feature Complexity and Its Interpretation Using Category Theory

no code implementations10 Oct 2023 Yiting Chen, Zhanpeng Zhou, Junchi Yan

In this paper, we expand the concept of equivalent feature and provide the definition of what we call functionally equivalent features.

How Graph Neural Networks Learn: Lessons from Training Dynamics

1 code implementation8 Oct 2023 Chenxiao Yang, Qitian Wu, David Wipf, Ruoyu Sun, Junchi Yan

In particular, we find that the gradient descent optimization of GNNs implicitly leverages the graph structure to update the learned function, as can be quantified by a phenomenon which we call \emph{kernel-graph alignment}.

Inductive Bias

StructChart: On the Schema, Metric, and Augmentation for Visual Chart Understanding

2 code implementations20 Sep 2023 Renqiu Xia, Haoyang Peng, Hancheng Ye, Mingsheng Li, Xiangchao Yan, Peng Ye, Botian Shi, Yu Qiao, Junchi Yan, Bo Zhang

Specifically, StructChart first reformulates the chart data from the tubular form (linearized CSV) to STR, which can friendlily reduce the task gap between chart perception and reasoning.

Ranked #20 on Chart Question Answering on ChartQA (using extra training data)

Chart Question Answering Chart Understanding +4

SPOT: Scalable 3D Pre-training via Occupancy Prediction for Learning Transferable 3D Representations

1 code implementation19 Sep 2023 Xiangchao Yan, Runjian Chen, Bo Zhang, Hancheng Ye, Renqiu Xia, Jiakang Yuan, Hongbin Zhou, Xinyu Cai, Botian Shi, Wenqi Shao, Ping Luo, Yu Qiao, Tao Chen, Junchi Yan

Annotating 3D LiDAR point clouds for perception tasks is fundamental for many applications e. g., autonomous driving, yet it still remains notoriously labor-intensive.

3D Object Detection Autonomous Driving +3

ReSimAD: Zero-Shot 3D Domain Transfer for Autonomous Driving with Source Reconstruction and Target Simulation

2 code implementations11 Sep 2023 Bo Zhang, Xinyu Cai, Jiakang Yuan, Donglin Yang, Jianfei Guo, Xiangchao Yan, Renqiu Xia, Botian Shi, Min Dou, Tao Chen, Si Liu, Junchi Yan, Yu Qiao

Domain shifts such as sensor type changes and geographical situation variations are prevalent in Autonomous Driving (AD), which poses a challenge since AD model relying on the previous domain knowledge can be hardly directly deployed to a new domain without additional costs.

Autonomous Driving Domain Generalization

DriveAdapter: Breaking the Coupling Barrier of Perception and Planning in End-to-End Autonomous Driving

1 code implementation ICCV 2023 Xiaosong Jia, Yulu Gao, Li Chen, Junchi Yan, Patrick Langechuan Liu, Hongyang Li

We find that even equipped with a SOTA perception model, directly letting the student model learn the required inputs of the teacher model leads to poor driving performance, which comes from the large distribution gap between predicted privileged inputs and the ground-truth.

Bench2Drive CARLA longest6

Patch-Level Contrasting without Patch Correspondence for Accurate and Dense Contrastive Representation Learning

no code implementations23 Jun 2023 Shaofeng Zhang, Feng Zhu, Rui Zhao, Junchi Yan

On classification tasks, for ViT-S, ADCLR achieves 77. 5% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet with linear probing, outperforming our baseline (DINO) without our devised techniques as plug-in, by 0. 5%.

Instance Segmentation object-detection +4

GraphGLOW: Universal and Generalizable Structure Learning for Graph Neural Networks

1 code implementation20 Jun 2023 Wentao Zhao, Qitian Wu, Chenxiao Yang, Junchi Yan

Graph structure learning is a well-established problem that aims at optimizing graph structures adaptive to specific graph datasets to help message passing neural networks (i. e., GNNs) to yield effective and robust node embeddings.

Graph structure learning

NodeFormer: A Scalable Graph Structure Learning Transformer for Node Classification

1 code implementation14 Jun 2023 Qitian Wu, Wentao Zhao, Zenan Li, David Wipf, Junchi Yan

In this paper, we introduce a novel all-pair message passing scheme for efficiently propagating node signals between arbitrary nodes, as an important building block for a pioneering Transformer-style network for node classification on large graphs, dubbed as \textsc{NodeFormer}.

Graph structure learning Image Classification

Category-Oriented Representation Learning for Image to Multi-Modal Retrieval

no code implementations6 May 2023 Zida Cheng, Chen Ju, Shuai Xiao, Xu Chen, Zhonghua Zhai, Xiaoyi Zeng, Weilin Huang, Junchi Yan

We focus on representation learning for IMMR and analyze three key challenges for it: 1) skewed data and noisy label in real-world industrial data, 2) the information-inequality between image and text modality of documents when learning representations, 3) effective and efficient training in large-scale industrial contexts.

Cross-Modal Retrieval Image Retrieval +5

Geometric-aware Pretraining for Vision-centric 3D Object Detection

1 code implementation6 Apr 2023 Linyan Huang, Huijie Wang, Jia Zeng, Shengchuan Zhang, Liujuan Cao, Junchi Yan, Hongyang Li

We also conduct experiments on various image backbones and view transformations to validate the efficacy of our approach.

3D Object Detection Autonomous Driving +2

Active Finetuning: Exploiting Annotation Budget in the Pretraining-Finetuning Paradigm

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Yichen Xie, Han Lu, Junchi Yan, Xiaokang Yang, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Wei Zhan

We propose a novel method called ActiveFT for active finetuning task to select a subset of data distributing similarly with the entire unlabeled pool and maintaining enough diversity by optimizing a parametric model in the continuous space.

Diversity Image Classification +1

EasyDGL: Encode, Train and Interpret for Continuous-time Dynamic Graph Learning

1 code implementation22 Mar 2023 Chao Chen, Haoyu Geng, Nianzu Yang, Xiaokang Yang, Junchi Yan

Dynamic graphs arise in various real-world applications, and it is often welcomed to model the dynamics directly in continuous time domain for its flexibility.

Dynamic Link Prediction Dynamic Node Classification +4

Rethinking Visual Prompt Learning as Masked Visual Token Modeling

no code implementations9 Mar 2023 Ning Liao, Bowen Shi, Xiaopeng Zhang, Min Cao, Junchi Yan, Qi Tian

To explore prompt learning on the generative pre-trained visual model, as well as keeping the task consistency, we propose Visual Prompt learning as masked visual Token Modeling (VPTM) to transform the downstream visual classification into the pre-trained masked visual token prediction.

ARS-DETR: Aspect Ratio-Sensitive Detection Transformer for Aerial Oriented Object Detection

1 code implementation9 Mar 2023 Ying Zeng, Yushi Chen, Xue Yang, Qingyun Li, Junchi Yan

Existing oriented object detection methods commonly use metric AP$_{50}$ to measure the performance of the model.

Object object-detection +2

M-Tuning: Prompt Tuning with Mitigated Label Bias in Open-Set Scenarios

no code implementations9 Mar 2023 Ning Liao, Xiaopeng Zhang, Min Cao, Junchi Yan, Qi Tian

In realistic open-set scenarios where labels of a part of testing data are totally unknown, when vision-language (VL) prompt learning methods encounter inputs related to unknown classes (i. e., not seen during training), they always predict them as one of the training classes.

Open Set Learning

Graph Signal Sampling for Inductive One-Bit Matrix Completion: a Closed-form Solution

1 code implementation8 Feb 2023 Chao Chen, Haoyu Geng, Gang Zeng, Zhaobing Han, Hua Chai, Xiaokang Yang, Junchi Yan

Inductive one-bit matrix completion is motivated by modern applications such as recommender systems, where new users would appear at test stage with the ratings consisting of only ones and no zeros.

Matrix Completion Recommendation Systems

Energy-based Out-of-Distribution Detection for Graph Neural Networks

1 code implementation6 Feb 2023 Qitian Wu, Yiting Chen, Chenxiao Yang, Junchi Yan

This paves a way for a simple, powerful and efficient OOD detection model for GNN-based learning on graphs, which we call GNNSafe.

Out-of-Distribution Detection Out of Distribution (OOD) Detection

HardSATGEN: Understanding the Difficulty of Hard SAT Formula Generation and A Strong Structure-Hardness-Aware Baseline

1 code implementation4 Feb 2023 Yang Li, Xinyan Chen, Wenxuan Guo, Xijun Li, Wanqian Luo, Junhua Huang, Hui-Ling Zhen, Mingxuan Yuan, Junchi Yan

On top of the observations that industrial formulae exhibit clear community structure and oversplit substructures lead to the difficulty in semantic formation of logical structures, we propose HardSATGEN, which introduces a fine-grained control mechanism to the neural split-merge paradigm for SAT formula generation to better recover the structural and computational properties of the industrial benchmarks.

Crossformer: Transformer Utilizing Cross-Dimension Dependency for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

2 code implementations ICLR 2023 Yunhao Zhang, Junchi Yan

Utilizing DSW embedding and TSA layer, Crossformer establishes a Hierarchical Encoder-Decoder (HED) to use the information at different scales for the final forecasting.

Decoder Multivariate Time Series Forecasting +1

DIFFormer: Scalable (Graph) Transformers Induced by Energy Constrained Diffusion

1 code implementation23 Jan 2023 Qitian Wu, Chenxiao Yang, Wentao Zhao, Yixuan He, David Wipf, Junchi Yan

Real-world data generation often involves complex inter-dependencies among instances, violating the IID-data hypothesis of standard learning paradigms and posing a challenge for uncovering the geometric structures for learning desired instance representations.

Image-text Classification Node Classification +2

Policy Pre-training for Autonomous Driving via Self-supervised Geometric Modeling

1 code implementation3 Jan 2023 Penghao Wu, Li Chen, Hongyang Li, Xiaosong Jia, Junchi Yan, Yu Qiao

Witnessing the impressive achievements of pre-training techniques on large-scale data in the field of computer vision and natural language processing, we wonder whether this idea could be adapted in a grab-and-go spirit, and mitigate the sample inefficiency problem for visuomotor driving.

Autonomous Driving Decision Making

Deep Learning of Partial Graph Matching via Differentiable Top-K

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Runzhong Wang, Ziao Guo, Shaofei Jiang, Xiaokang Yang, Junchi Yan

Graph matching (GM) aims at discovering node matching between graphs, by maximizing the node- and edge-wise affinities between the matched elements.

 Ranked #1 on Graph Matching on Willow Object Class (F1 score metric)

Deep Learning Graph Matching +1

Distilling Focal Knowledge From Imperfect Expert for 3D Object Detection

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Jia Zeng, Li Chen, Hanming Deng, Lewei Lu, Junchi Yan, Yu Qiao, Hongyang Li

Specifically, a set of queries are leveraged to locate the instance-level areas for masked feature generation, to intensify feature representation ability in these areas.

3D geometry 3D Object Detection +3

Graph Neural Networks are Inherently Good Generalizers: Insights by Bridging GNNs and MLPs

1 code implementation18 Dec 2022 Chenxiao Yang, Qitian Wu, Jiahua Wang, Junchi Yan

Graph neural networks (GNNs), as the de-facto model class for representation learning on graphs, are built upon the multi-layer perceptrons (MLP) architecture with additional message passing layers to allow features to flow across nodes.

Representation Learning

Localized Contrastive Learning on Graphs

no code implementations8 Dec 2022 Hengrui Zhang, Qitian Wu, Yu Wang, Shaofeng Zhang, Junchi Yan, Philip S. Yu

Contrastive learning methods based on InfoNCE loss are popular in node representation learning tasks on graph-structured data.

Contrastive Learning Data Augmentation +1

Leveraging Angular Information Between Feature and Classifier for Long-tailed Learning: A Prediction Reformulation Approach

no code implementations3 Dec 2022 Haoxuan Wang, Junchi Yan

Deep neural networks still struggle on long-tailed image datasets, and one of the reasons is that the imbalance of training data across categories leads to the imbalance of trained model parameters.

Long-tail Learning

Rethinking and Improving Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks: a Shapley Value-based Approach in Frequency Domain

1 code implementation NIPS 2022 Yiting Chen, Qibing Ren, Junchi Yan

In this work, we introduce Shapley value, a metric of cooperative game theory, into the frequency domain and propose to quantify the positive (negative) impact of every frequency component of data on CNNs.

Adversarial Attack Adversarial Robustness +3

Towards Out-of-Distribution Sequential Event Prediction: A Causal Treatment

1 code implementation24 Oct 2022 Chenxiao Yang, Qitian Wu, Qingsong Wen, Zhiqiang Zhou, Liang Sun, Junchi Yan

The goal of sequential event prediction is to estimate the next event based on a sequence of historical events, with applications to sequential recommendation, user behavior analysis and clinical treatment.

Sequential Recommendation Variational Inference

Geometric Knowledge Distillation: Topology Compression for Graph Neural Networks

2 code implementations24 Oct 2022 Chenxiao Yang, Qitian Wu, Junchi Yan

We study a new paradigm of knowledge transfer that aims at encoding graph topological information into graph neural networks (GNNs) by distilling knowledge from a teacher GNN model trained on a complete graph to a student GNN model operating on a smaller or sparser graph.

Knowledge Distillation Transfer Learning

End-to-End Context-Aided Unicity Matching for Person Re-identification

no code implementations20 Oct 2022 Min Cao, Cong Ding, Chen Chen, Junchi Yan, Qi Tian

Based on a natural assumption that images belonging to the same person identity should not match with images belonging to multiple different person identities across views, called the unicity of person matching on the identity level, we propose an end-to-end person unicity matching architecture for learning and refining the person matching relations.

Graph Matching Person Re-Identification

Learning Universe Model for Partial Matching Networks over Multiple Graphs

no code implementations19 Oct 2022 Zetian Jiang, Jiaxin Lu, Tianzhe Wang, Junchi Yan

We consider the general setting for partial matching of two or multiple graphs, in the sense that not necessarily all the nodes in one graph can find their correspondences in another graph and vice versa.

Graph Matching Metric Learning +1

H2RBox: Horizontal Box Annotation is All You Need for Oriented Object Detection

3 code implementations13 Oct 2022 Xue Yang, Gefan Zhang, Wentong Li, Xuehui Wang, Yue Zhou, Junchi Yan

Oriented object detection emerges in many applications from aerial images to autonomous driving, while many existing detection benchmarks are annotated with horizontal bounding box only which is also less costive than fine-grained rotated box, leading to a gap between the readily available training corpus and the rising demand for oriented object detection.

Autonomous Driving Box-supervised Instance Segmentation +6

Detecting Rotated Objects as Gaussian Distributions and Its 3-D Generalization

1 code implementation22 Sep 2022 Xue Yang, Gefan Zhang, Xiaojiang Yang, Yue Zhou, Wentao Wang, Jin Tang, Tao He, Junchi Yan

Existing detection methods commonly use a parameterized bounding box (BBox) to model and detect (horizontal) objects and an additional rotation angle parameter is used for rotated objects.


ST-P3: End-to-end Vision-based Autonomous Driving via Spatial-Temporal Feature Learning

1 code implementation15 Jul 2022 Shengchao Hu, Li Chen, Penghao Wu, Hongyang Li, Junchi Yan, DaCheng Tao

In particular, we propose a spatial-temporal feature learning scheme towards a set of more representative features for perception, prediction and planning tasks simultaneously, which is called ST-P3.

Ranked #7 on Bird's-Eye View Semantic Segmentation on nuScenes (IoU ped - 224x480 - Vis filter. - 100x100 at 0.5 metric)

Autonomous Driving Bird's-Eye View Semantic Segmentation +1

Level 2 Autonomous Driving on a Single Device: Diving into the Devils of Openpilot

no code implementations16 Jun 2022 Li Chen, Tutian Tang, Zhitian Cai, Yang Li, Penghao Wu, Hongyang Li, Jianping Shi, Junchi Yan, Yu Qiao

Equipped with a wide span of sensors, predominant autonomous driving solutions are becoming more modular-oriented for safe system design.

Autonomous Driving

Trajectory-guided Control Prediction for End-to-end Autonomous Driving: A Simple yet Strong Baseline

1 code implementation16 Jun 2022 Penghao Wu, Xiaosong Jia, Li Chen, Junchi Yan, Hongyang Li, Yu Qiao

The two branches are connected so that the control branch receives corresponding guidance from the trajectory branch at each time step.

Bench2Drive CARLA longest6 +1

Learning Unbiased Transferability for Domain Adaptation by Uncertainty Modeling

1 code implementation2 Jun 2022 Jian Hu, Haowen Zhong, Junchi Yan, Shaogang Gong, Guile Wu, Fei Yang

However, due to the significant imbalance between the amount of annotated data in the source and target domains, usually only the target distribution is aligned to the source domain, leading to adapting unnecessary source specific knowledge to the target domain, i. e., biased domain adaptation.

Domain Adaptation Pseudo Label +1

CEP3: Community Event Prediction with Neural Point Process on Graph

no code implementations21 May 2022 Xuhong Wang, Sirui Chen, Yixuan He, Minjie Wang, Quan Gan, Yupu Yang, Junchi Yan

Many real world applications can be formulated as event forecasting on Continuous Time Dynamic Graphs (CTDGs) where the occurrence of a timed event between two entities is represented as an edge along with its occurrence timestamp in the graphs. However, most previous works approach the problem in compromised settings, either formulating it as a link prediction task on the graph given the event time or a time prediction problem given which event will happen next.

Link Prediction

HDGT: Heterogeneous Driving Graph Transformer for Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction via Scene Encoding

2 code implementations30 Apr 2022 Xiaosong Jia, Penghao Wu, Li Chen, Yu Liu, Hongyang Li, Junchi Yan

Based on these observations, we propose Heterogeneous Driving Graph Transformer (HDGT), a backbone modelling the driving scene as a heterogeneous graph with different types of nodes and edges.

Autonomous Driving graph construction +3

MMRotate: A Rotated Object Detection Benchmark using PyTorch

1 code implementation28 Apr 2022 Yue Zhou, Xue Yang, Gefan Zhang, Jiabao Wang, Yanyi Liu, Liping Hou, Xue Jiang, Xingzhao Liu, Junchi Yan, Chengqi Lyu, Wenwei Zhang, Kai Chen

We present an open-source toolbox, named MMRotate, which provides a coherent algorithm framework of training, inferring, and evaluation for the popular rotated object detection algorithm based on deep learning.

Object object-detection +1

MHSCNet: A Multimodal Hierarchical Shot-aware Convolutional Network for Video Summarization

1 code implementation18 Apr 2022 Wujiang Xu, Runzhong Wang, Xiaobo Guo, Shaoshuai Li, Qiongxu Ma, Yunan Zhao, Sheng Guo, Zhenfeng Zhu, Junchi Yan

However, the optimal video summaries need to reflect the most valuable keyframe with its own information, and one with semantic power of the whole content.

Video Summarization

Learning Self-Modulating Attention in Continuous Time Space with Applications to Sequential Recommendation

1 code implementation30 Mar 2022 Chao Chen, Haoyu Geng, Nianzu Yang, Junchi Yan, Daiyue Xue, Jianping Yu, Xiaokang Yang

User interests are usually dynamic in the real world, which poses both theoretical and practical challenges for learning accurate preferences from rich behavior data.

Dynamic Link Prediction Sequential Recommendation

On Understanding and Mitigating the Dimensional Collapse of Graph Contrastive Learning: a Non-Maximum Removal Approach

no code implementations24 Mar 2022 Jiawei Sun, Ruoxin Chen, Jie Li, Chentao Wu, Yue Ding, Junchi Yan

Graph Contrastive Learning (GCL) has shown promising performance in graph representation learning (GRL) without the supervision of manual annotations.

Contrastive Learning Graph Classification +1

PersFormer: 3D Lane Detection via Perspective Transformer and the OpenLane Benchmark

2 code implementations21 Mar 2022 Li Chen, Chonghao Sima, Yang Li, Zehan Zheng, Jiajie Xu, Xiangwei Geng, Hongyang Li, Conghui He, Jianping Shi, Yu Qiao, Junchi Yan

Methods for 3D lane detection have been recently proposed to address the issue of inaccurate lane layouts in many autonomous driving scenarios (uphill/downhill, bump, etc.).

3D Lane Detection Autonomous Driving +1

EAutoDet: Efficient Architecture Search for Object Detection

no code implementations21 Mar 2022 Xiaoxing Wang, Jiale Lin, Junchi Yan, Juanping Zhao, Xiaokang Yang

In contrast, this paper introduces an efficient framework, named EAutoDet, that can discover practical backbone and FPN architectures for object detection in 1. 4 GPU-days.

Ranked #32 on Object Detection In Aerial Images on DOTA (using extra training data)

Object object-detection +1

Object Localization under Single Coarse Point Supervision

2 code implementations CVPR 2022 Xuehui Yu, Pengfei Chen, Di wu, Najmul Hassan, Guorong Li, Junchi Yan, Humphrey Shi, Qixiang Ye, Zhenjun Han

In this study, we propose a POL method using coarse point annotations, relaxing the supervision signals from accurate key points to freely spotted points.

Multiple Instance Learning Object +1

Machine Learning Methods in Solving the Boolean Satisfiability Problem

no code implementations2 Mar 2022 Wenxuan Guo, Junchi Yan, Hui-Ling Zhen, Xijun Li, Mingxuan Yuan, Yaohui Jin

This paper reviews the recent literature on solving the Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT), an archetypal NP-complete problem, with the help of machine learning techniques.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Learning Neural Hamiltonian Dynamics: A Methodological Overview

1 code implementation28 Feb 2022 Zhijie Chen, Mingquan Feng, Junchi Yan, Hongyuan Zha

The past few years have witnessed an increased interest in learning Hamiltonian dynamics in deep learning frameworks.

Inductive Bias

From Quantum Graph Computing to Quantum Graph Learning: A Survey

no code implementations19 Feb 2022 Yehui Tang, Junchi Yan, Hancock Edwin

Quantum computing (QC) is a new computational paradigm whose foundations relate to quantum physics.

Graph Learning Survey

Molecule Generation for Drug Design: a Graph Learning Perspective

no code implementations18 Feb 2022 Nianzu Yang, Huaijin Wu, Kaipeng Zeng, Yang Li, Junchi Yan

Machine learning, particularly graph learning, is gaining increasing recognition for its transformative impact across various fields.

Graph Learning

Transformers in Time Series: A Survey

11 code implementations15 Feb 2022 Qingsong Wen, Tian Zhou, Chaoli Zhang, Weiqi Chen, Ziqing Ma, Junchi Yan, Liang Sun

From the perspective of network structure, we summarize the adaptations and modifications that have been made to Transformers in order to accommodate the challenges in time series analysis.

Anomaly Detection Survey +2

Handling Distribution Shifts on Graphs: An Invariance Perspective

2 code implementations ICLR 2022 Qitian Wu, Hengrui Zhang, Junchi Yan, David Wipf

There is increasing evidence suggesting neural networks' sensitivity to distribution shifts, so that research on out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization comes into the spotlight.


GNNRank: Learning Global Rankings from Pairwise Comparisons via Directed Graph Neural Networks

1 code implementation1 Feb 2022 Yixuan He, Quan Gan, David Wipf, Gesine Reinert, Junchi Yan, Mihai Cucuringu

In this paper, we introduce neural networks into the ranking recovery problem by proposing the so-called GNNRank, a trainable GNN-based framework with digraph embedding.

Inductive Bias

The KFIoU Loss for Rotated Object Detection

3 code implementations29 Jan 2022 Xue Yang, Yue Zhou, Gefan Zhang, Jirui Yang, Wentao Wang, Junchi Yan, Xiaopeng Zhang, Qi Tian

This is in contrast to recent Gaussian modeling based rotation detectors e. g. GWD loss and KLD loss that involve a human-specified distribution distance metric which require additional hyperparameter tuning that vary across datasets and detectors.

Object object-detection +1

Appearance and Structure Aware Robust Deep Visual Graph Matching: Attack, Defense and Beyond

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Qibing Ren, Qingquan Bao, Runzhong Wang, Junchi Yan

We first show that an adversarial attack on keypoint localities and the hidden graphs can cause significant accuracy drop to deep GM models.

Ranked #7 on Graph Matching on PASCAL VOC (matching accuracy metric)

Adversarial Attack Data Augmentation +2

Optimal LED Spectral Multiplexing for NIR2RGB Translation

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Lei Liu, Yuze Chen, Junchi Yan, Yinqiang Zheng

The industry practice for night video surveillance is to use auxiliary near-infrared (NIR) LED diodes, usually centered at 850nm or 940nm, for scene illumination.


A General Framework for Evaluating Robustness of Combinatorial Optimization Solvers on Graphs

no code implementations28 Dec 2021 Han Lu, Zenan Li, Runzhong Wang, Qibing Ren, Junchi Yan, Xiaokang Yang

Solving combinatorial optimization (CO) on graphs is among the fundamental tasks for upper-stream applications in data mining, machine learning and operations research.

Adversarial Attack Combinatorial Optimization

AlphaRotate: A Rotation Detection Benchmark using TensorFlow

1 code implementation12 Nov 2021 Xue Yang, Yue Zhou, Junchi Yan

AlphaRotate is an open-source Tensorflow benchmark for performing scalable rotation detection on various datasets.

On Joint Learning for Solving Placement and Routing in Chip Design

2 code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Ruoyu Cheng, Junchi Yan

To achieve end-to-end placement learning, we first propose a joint learning method termed by DeepPlace for the placement of macros and standard cells, by the integration of reinforcement learning with a gradient based optimization scheme.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

ZARTS: On Zero-order Optimization for Neural Architecture Search

no code implementations10 Oct 2021 Xiaoxing Wang, Wenxuan Guo, Junchi Yan, Jianlin Su, Xiaokang Yang

Also, we search on the search space of DARTS to compare with peer methods, and our discovered architecture achieves 97. 54% accuracy on CIFAR-10 and 75. 7% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet, which are state-of-the-art performance.

Neural Architecture Search

Towards Open-World Feature Extrapolation: An Inductive Graph Learning Approach

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Qitian Wu, Chenxiao Yang, Junchi Yan

We target open-world feature extrapolation problem where the feature space of input data goes through expansion and a model trained on partially observed features needs to handle new features in test data without further retraining.

Graph Learning Graph Neural Network

DAAS: Differentiable Architecture and Augmentation Policy Search

no code implementations30 Sep 2021 Xiaoxing Wang, Xiangxiang Chu, Junchi Yan, Xiaokang Yang

Neural architecture search (NAS) has been an active direction of automatic machine learning (Auto-ML), aiming to explore efficient network structures.

Data Augmentation Neural Architecture Search

On the Expressiveness, Predictability and Interpretability of Neural Temporal Point Processes

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Liangliang Shi, Fangyu Ding, Junchi Yan, Yanjie Duan, Guangjian Tian

Despite the fast advance in neural temporal point processes (NTPP) which enjoys high model capacity, there are still some standing gaps to fill including model expressiveness, predictability, and interpretability, especially with the wide application of event sequence modeling.

Point Processes

Zero-CL: Instance and Feature decorrelation for negative-free symmetric contrastive learning

no code implementations ICLR 2022 Shaofeng Zhang, Feng Zhu, Junchi Yan, Rui Zhao, Xiaokang Yang

The proposed two methods (FCL, ICL) can be combined synthetically, called Zero-CL, where ``Zero'' means negative samples are \textbf{zero} relevant, which allows Zero-CL to completely discard negative pairs i. e., with \textbf{zero} negative samples.

Contrastive Learning