Search Results for author: Junhong Wang

Found 3 papers, 3 papers with code

Towards Human-Level 3D Relative Pose Estimation: Generalizable, Training-Free, with Single Reference

1 code implementation26 Jun 2024 Yuan Gao, Yajing Luo, Junhong Wang, Kui Jia, Gui-Song Xia

Motivated by this, we propose a novel 3D generalizable relative pose estimation method by elaborating (i) with a 2. 5D shape from an RGB-D reference, (ii) with an off-the-shelf differentiable renderer, and (iii) with semantic cues from a pretrained model like DINOv2.

Pose Estimation

BianQue: Balancing the Questioning and Suggestion Ability of Health LLMs with Multi-turn Health Conversations Polished by ChatGPT

1 code implementation24 Oct 2023 YiRong Chen, Zhenyu Wang, Xiaofen Xing, huimin zheng, Zhipei Xu, Kai Fang, Junhong Wang, Sihang Li, Jieling Wu, Qi Liu, Xiangmin Xu

Large language models (LLMs) have performed well in providing general and extensive health suggestions in single-turn conversations, exemplified by systems such as ChatGPT, ChatGLM, ChatDoctor, DoctorGLM, and etc.

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