Search Results for author: Junhong Zhao

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

Exploring Accurate 3D Phenotyping in Greenhouse through Neural Radiance Fields

no code implementations24 Mar 2024 Junhong Zhao, Wei Ying, Yaoqiang Pan, Zhenfeng Yi, Chao Chen, Kewei Hu, Hanwen Kang

This study investigates a learning-based phenotyping method using the Neural Radiance Field to achieve accurate in-situ phenotyping of pepper plants in greenhouse environments.

NeRF Plant Phenotyping +1

Improving Buoy Detection with Deep Transfer Learning for Mussel Farm Automation

no code implementations18 Aug 2023 Carl McMillan, Junhong Zhao, Bing Xue, Ross Vennell, Mengjie Zhang

To establish an effective deep learning model for buoy detection with a limited number of labeled data, we employ transfer learning techniques.

Deep Learning object-detection +2

Expressive Speech-driven Facial Animation with controllable emotions

1 code implementation5 Jan 2023 Yutong Chen, Junhong Zhao, Wei-Qiang Zhang

It is in high demand to generate facial animation with high realism, but it remains a challenging task.

Deep Portrait Delighting

no code implementations22 Mar 2022 Joshua Weir, Junhong Zhao, Andrew Chalmers, Taehyun Rhee

We present a deep neural network for removing undesirable shading features from an unconstrained portrait image, recovering the underlying texture.

Semantic Parsing

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