1 code implementation • 9 Sep 2024 • Seungheun Baek, Soyon Park, Yan Ting Chok, Junhyun Lee, Jueon Park, Mogan Gim, Jaewoo Kang
Predicting cellular responses to various perturbations is a critical focus in drug discovery and personalized therapeutics, with deep learning models playing a significant role in this endeavor.
no code implementations • 16 Feb 2024 • Junhyun Lee, Wooseong Yang, Jaewoo Kang
In the evolving landscape of machine learning, the adaptation of pre-trained models through prompt tuning has become increasingly prominent.
1 code implementation • 30 Jan 2024 • Mogan Gim, Jueon Park, Soyon Park, SangHoon Lee, Seungheun Baek, Junhyun Lee, Ngoc-Quang Nguyen, Jaewoo Kang
Molecular core structures and R-groups are essential concepts in drug development.
1 code implementation • 28 Jul 2023 • Junhyun Lee, Bumsoo Kim, Minji Jeon, Jaewoo Kang
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have proven to be effective in processing and learning from graph-structured data.
1 code implementation • 16 Jul 2023 • Hyunjun Lee, Junhyun Lee, Taehwa Choi, Jaewoo Kang, Sangbum Choi
The proposed method is a semiparametric approach to AFT modeling that does not impose any distributional assumptions on the survival time distribution.
1 code implementation • NeurIPS 2021 • Seongjun Yun, Seoyoon Kim, Junhyun Lee, Jaewoo Kang, Hyunwoo J. Kim
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been widely applied to various fields for learning over graph-structured data.
no code implementations • CVPR 2022 • Bumsoo Kim, Jonghwan Mun, Kyoung-Woon On, Minchul Shin, Junhyun Lee, Eun-Sol Kim
Human-Object Interaction (HOI) detection is the task of identifying a set of <human, object, interaction> triplets from an image.
no code implementations • 29 Sep 2021 • Hyunjun Lee, Junhyun Lee, Taehwa Choi, Jaewoo Kang, Sangbum Choi
Time-to-event analysis, also known as survival analysis, aims to predict the first occurred event time, conditional on a set of features.
1 code implementation • CVPR 2021 • Bumsoo Kim, Junhyun Lee, Jaewoo Kang, Eun-Sol Kim, Hyunwoo J. Kim
Human-Object Interaction (HOI) detection is a task of identifying "a set of interactions" in an image, which involves the i) localization of the subject (i. e., humans) and target (i. e., objects) of interaction, and ii) the classification of the interaction labels.
Ranked #16 on Human-Object Interaction Detection on V-COCO
1 code implementation • 11 Aug 2020 • Seokeon Choi, Junhyun Lee, Yunsung Lee, Alexander Hauptmann
We propose an improved discriminative model prediction method for robust long-term tracking based on a pre-trained short-term tracker.
3 code implementations • 17 Apr 2019 • Junhyun Lee, Inyeop Lee, Jaewoo Kang
In particular, studies have focused on generalizing convolutional neural networks to graph data, which includes redefining the convolution and the downsampling (pooling) operations for graphs.
Ranked #4 on Graph Classification on FRANKENSTEIN
2 code implementations • 9 Nov 2018 • Yonggyu Park, Junhyun Lee, Yookyung Koh, Inyeop Lee, Jinhyuk Lee, Jaewoo Kang
However, in designing a typeface, it is difficult to keep the style of various characters consistent, especially for languages with lots of morphological variations such as Chinese.