2 code implementations • COLING 2020 • Hicham El Boukkouri, Olivier Ferret, Thomas Lavergne, Hiroshi Noji, Pierre Zweigenbaum, Junichi Tsujii
Due to the compelling improvements brought by BERT, many recent representation models adopted the Transformer architecture as their main building block, consequently inheriting the wordpiece tokenization system despite it not being intrinsically linked to the notion of Transformers.
Ranked #1 on Semantic Similarity on ClinicalSTS
Clinical Concept Extraction Drug–drug Interaction Extraction +3
1 code implementation • IJCNLP 2019 • Yuki Arase, Junichi Tsujii
It constitutes a set of tasks crucial for research on natural language understanding.
no code implementations • EMNLP 2017 • Yuki Arase, Junichi Tsujii
We propose an efficient method to conduct phrase alignment on parse forests for paraphrase detection.