Search Results for author: Junjian Ye

Found 5 papers, 3 papers with code

Causal Agent based on Large Language Model

1 code implementation13 Aug 2024 Kairong Han, Kun Kuang, Ziyu Zhao, Junjian Ye, Fei Wu

In the tools module, the causal agent applies causal methods to align tabular data with natural language.

Language Modelling Large Language Model

Time-Series Domain Adaptation via Sparse Associative Structure Alignment: Learning Invariance and Variance

no code implementations7 May 2022 Zijian Li, Ruichu Cai, Jiawei Chen, Yuguan Yan, Wei Chen, Keli Zhang, Junjian Ye

Based on this inspiration, we investigate the domain-invariant unweighted sparse associative structures and the domain-variant strengths of the structures.

Time Series Time Series Analysis +2

An Influence-based Approach for Root Cause Alarm Discovery in Telecom Networks

1 code implementation7 May 2021 Keli Zhang, Marcus Kalander, Min Zhou, Xi Zhang, Junjian Ye

Alarm root cause analysis is a significant component in the day-to-day telecommunication network maintenance, and it is critical for efficient and accurate fault localization and failure recovery.

Causal Inference Fault localization +2

Time Series Domain Adaptation via Sparse Associative Structure Alignment

no code implementations22 Dec 2020 Ruichu Cai, Jiawei Chen, Zijian Li, Wei Chen, Keli Zhang, Junjian Ye, Zhuozhang Li, Xiaoyan Yang, Zhenjie Zhang

To reduce the difficulty in the discovery of causal structure, we relax it to the sparse associative structure and propose a novel sparse associative structure alignment model for domain adaptation.

Domain Adaptation Time Series +1

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